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Posts posted by Bloodmoon

  1. 3 hours ago, anti said:

    I personally feel like it's not the play.  Maybe in some smaller capacity to figure it out, and having oly players help beta test.. but a loooot of time and money was put into making A3 olympus what it is... and in any serious capacity, Ryan has to pick one server type and run with it.

    Going hard on the stepping stone game would effectively be abandoning the full and complete version of the game we have now to play on a half created version of olympus that nobody would want to put too much effort into until A4 came out.

    It would be neat to see, but a waste of resources that could risk killing the loyal playerbase in that time.

    Keeping the server on a deprecated/outdated game with the other large communities moving to reforger or arma 4 would be a great way to kill the playerbase. Even though reforger is early access it still almost plays better than arma 3, with the bad parts for me being combat and lack of guns and vehicles in the base game. Also new engine has a non scuffed scripting language that anyone with a moderate level of programming is able to learn quick, so dev shortage won't be as much as an issue.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    Literally this.


    Its worked like this for ages. I can't count on both hands nor toes the amount of times even ex-sAPD arguing that this is OP has imidiatelly piped people pointing launchers at them upon being engaged. The fact that a change that does nothing but make the chief sound less dyslexic is causing this much of a uproar is straight up retarded.

    Who is mad about being piped for pointing a launcher? The update changes the wording from present to past tense, if you fly away while im pointing an rpg at you, you can come back 3 mins later guns hot.

  3. 10 hours ago, SPBojo said:

    because ya'll braindead retards started dragging the gang through mud just so you could sit 15 hours a day doing runs to then cry like a motherfucker over loosing 300k to a random cop for 20 minutes before alt f4'ing and then getting back on the next day.

    You missed the part where they get slapped at bw's, new gen tree is cancer.

    • Like 3
  4. On 6/29/2021 at 2:46 PM, Chadetheus said:

    Good idea - please keep them coming. The APD drastically needs a rework from the inherent robocop deal they have going on now.

    News flash, the APD does not exist to ensure every person is having a fun time or to coddle players.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Tech said:

    So when I said "insult people for playing on a dead server" I should have said "Constantly talks about how the server is dead/dying while giving no solution"

    There is no solution with the current server management, you can't have a good server with people that seemingly don't care about it. I feel like you either ignored the first page of my recent posts or just don't understand what I've said, so I'll put it plainly for you here, stop catering to cartel players when they are the lowest playerbase outside of the conquests that happen 3 times a week, warzone was never meant to be some invincibility zone where you can self-sustain. Add stuff for the people that actually login everyday, not people that play asylum or eu servers during non-conquest hours. 

    Also in some of those posts I didn't even talk about the server being dead lol.

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