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Posts posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Just now, tacosmell said:

    I'd say some are better than others :bender-dance: They aren't throwing, but.. Some care more about winning a federal event than others. you feel?

    Yea, but just to put it out there, we have been no lifing feds/bw's all week so the seniors that care about winning have had multiple chances to fight them, pretty sure we've had the majority of sapd at our feds/bw's at one point in time.

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  2. Just now, tacosmell said:

    Show me a gyazo of the next fed/bw where this actual cpl's and seniors that care about winning. You know who they are 

    So there's cpl's and seniors that don't care about winning? Sounds like they're throwing just to get a buff :4head:

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  3. 1 hour ago, tacosmell said:

    This isn't true. In fact, IF these BW/Feds would happen at times to where most of the active SAPD and JR APD were on I can guarantee these events would be stopped more than they are won. It is actually hilarious that certain individuals love to boast about the fact that they win an event when it is done at very late hours. 

    Bro we have literally done feds/bw's everyday all day for the past week, don't even say that lmao.

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  4. 1 hour ago, SecTranLive said:

    Apparently they had to slow down the giveaways due to economy inflation concerns. Don’t mind the 44 federal events done this month so far effecting the economy though. Haha. Kids and their logic. 


    @Messy this is what I was talking about. 

    This month? Try 43 won federal events in less than a week :4head:

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  5. 1 minute ago, hawk said:

    So you complain when we use a lot of ghawks but you also complain when we don't use a lot. Sounds like a lose-lose situation. No point in arguing this further. And also we shouldn't have to bring up APD Handbook updates to staff meetings.

    When do I complain about sapd using hawks? I only complain when they are abused, such as bringing 6 hawks to a 15 something man fed. No point in arguing this further if you're just gonna strawman me. Also APD hanbook updates should be brought to staff meetings if they effect civs. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:

    If the APD won a combined Fed/BW 27 times in a row, without a loss, what would your response be? 

    I’ll wait.


    Just now, Bojo said:

    We woulda brought up during a STAFF MEETING something that could possibly be a fix if a fix was needed and have it up for discussion, not go behind everyone's back and sneak in a change with no prior discussion or even mention of the change :4head:


  7. 1 minute ago, Dank MeeMoo said:

    I keep seeing people bring up the quadbike thing but I’ve only ever seen 2 quadbikes at feds before ever you act as if it’s a huge issue. What tools don’t we utilize, when people spam hunters everybody complaining about balance and hawks are only useful after the bomb blows. 

    What you see != what is happening. Out of all feds/bw's we've done we have only seen at most 3 hawks, and a handful of hunters. If apd isn't trying why should they get a buff?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Dank MeeMoo said:

    Lose some feds? The past 2 days I only remember winning a single bw out of probably 20. Having tons of hawks, at offroads and other vehicles flooding the economy is not good 

    Maybe sapd should utilize their tools. Maybe apd shouldn't push on quadbikes. Maybe apd shouldn't push the same spot for the same fed/bw.

  9. Just now, hawk said:

    Ah yes I forgot people must remember something that was brought up 5 months ago.

    What are you even referring to here lmao? Ares or sapd? If sapd that is on all of you as it was documented as being approved on the civ council blog post, and whoever was representing the apd at the time should be writting down that gets approved/denied. I think you just need to work on your sapd bro lmao.

  10. Just now, hawk said:

    The deerstands were brought up months ago, therefore it wasn't recent and that change was approved under Peter.

    Glad I could finally get a reply! :4head: First off, stop spreading fake news about deerstands being sneaked in. Second, when Ares became owner he said he was going forward with any change approved under Peter. The time to argue against the map change had already passed, maybe run a better sapd or something?

  11. 1 minute ago, Peter Long said:

        8. Patrol Officers may be authorized to use lethal force by a senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary" or during a Federal event at a seniors discretion.



    WaIt wE CaNt tRusT YoU WitH LETHALS, bUt If w3 ar3 LOsinG thAN Go FOr IT!



    What a joke. Any means necessary I understand, but at Feds? 

    @Ares :4head:

    BTW none of this was brought up a staff meeting, at least not recently, what a joke.

  12. Just now, Zeuse said:

    So do I not get to have an opinion on todays Olympus?  I'm not going to continue tbh, you are as stubborn as you all say the sAPD are and like to resort to insults rather than actually disuss things.  Have a great night and stay hydrated Mister Moon.

    Never said you can't have an opinion, you're forming your opinion on incorrect pretenses. How am I resorting to insults if I'm still addressing every point you have, and you're still responding to me with false pretenses, like what?

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  13. 1 minute ago, Zeuse said:

     Sure, it might be similar to the old SDAR system, but it's not the same.  Some suggestions have been to properly use the sAPD tools (ghs hunters striders), but if we do use them, you complain about them and say we abuse those too.

    You're retarded. Your forums account was made in june 2018 you have no clue what the old SDAR rule was. I don't see anyone relevent complaining about tools that are properly used and not abused. Take sapd dick out of your mouth and stop talking about stuff you're clueless about, this isn't the way to get FTO.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

    But if we do use them properly then it is deemed as abusing them as bloodmoon said.

    Pretty much and is are two different things.

    Here, let me make it go through your thick skull, this is the EXACT system as the old SDAR rule. Like, you're literally retarded, stop putting words in my mouth, pulling 6 hawks for a 13 man fed is abuse, 15 hunters for a 20 man fed is abuse. 

    • Like 2
  15. Just now, Zeuse said:

    But you just said you complain once they get abused.  If they have not been abused, why are you complaining, what could the problem possibly be?


    16 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

    That's because this is pretty much the old SDAR system which was evidently abused and was changed as a result. No doubt this is going to be abused just like how SDAR's were


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