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Posts posted by Bloodmoon

  1. 2 minutes ago, Google said:

    It’s to make a point. You’re complaining that they’re invincible while doing a training. I’m complaining that we have to initiate, this needs to be changed. No more RDM no more initiation. Stop making players invincible 

    too powerful to be defeated or overcome.
    Your point is moot considering the way you get around RDM is by initiating, whereas there is no way to harm or effect people during training without getting a ban.
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  2. 2 minutes ago, Google said:


    Good point let’s remove that stupid RDM rule. Hate it when people are invincible because I have to initiate...

    Really though it’s not a big deal unless you’re a retard. They’re just doing a training. I mean if this was Asylum they’d ban you and just say we did it because we can. At least on Olympus they create a new rule for it and publicly show it.

    Not sure how you compare having to initiate on someone vs initiation on someone and getting a ban

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  3. 3 hours ago, ChubbyElf said:

    The straw that broke the camels back in my opinion was when they changed the server rules so you couldn't taze cops at Pyrgos Pharmaceutical, an OPTIONAL, NON-FEDERAL event. Cops were complaining about being tazed at these events when they were not obligated to show up.


  4. 172f84216d632f112b20b1e47a759d91.jpg

    Here is what they look like:



    As far as I know I am the only person that has stocked up on the scientist clothes before they were removed, as a result that makes me the sole supplier of scientist clothes on Olympus. If you would like to purchase a pair PM me and we can figure out a price because I'm not sure how much I want to price them yet.


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