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Posts posted by Bloodmoon

  1. 27 minutes ago, TM_ said:

    Quote me accurately please, no paraphrasing.

    You two already said as much when you two ranted on me saying you guys have a tactical approach of a retard stick their knob into a pencil sharpener because hitting the ONLY OCCUPIED gate at a Fed for 5 waves is retarded and you cry about it combined with the later pharma you wouldn't answer comms (to which we even assumed you were hostage at one point), but it proved your double standard when you started being toxic to me repeating prior comments while on Civ back a week and a half ago. If you are threaten to take away someone's whitelist, demand they not say that shit around new officers to undermine "your authority" and then say shit about it next time you run into me in-game then what do you expect.


    • Like 3
  2. 8 hours ago, TM_ said:

    The way some of you react to feedback or criticism implies it is never a discussion regardless of how professional you try to appear here.

    At the start I expressed the concern that sAPD should be "more hands on with mentoring" because no one took the time to patrol because sAPD only log in when every jumps channel to Fed/BW. Since two select sAPD threatened to blacklist me of being critical of them being arrogant cunts after a Pharma and Fed

    Ok, since you want to bring what you did onto the forums and then lie about it, you asked over group chat at a pharma to a corp who was playing with us "Is that enough sucking dick at the pharma?", and then talked shit about sapd with a channel full of deputies. 

    Basically this without any text because I can't be bothered.



    • Like 6
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  3. 5 minutes ago, Noble said:

    Hellcat illegal? There are STELTH variants of shekra and blackwasp, why cant we have those then they show no weapons? also by this logic, armed caesars are not illegal🙂 


    Armed plane has a usable weapon so it meets the definition of an armed vehicle. The apd should not allow people to use military armed vehicles on the civilian population.

    • Hmm 1
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  4. Just now, Millennium said:

    Just because they have visible guns on a "Military tactical shooter video game" doesn't mean they should be considered an armed vehicle. The game itself doesn't have jets that don't have planes, so why are you punishing people for wanting to fly a jet which has the ability to shoot disabled.


    3 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

    Thankfully last update they made an unarmed Caesar racing plane which is legal to own which is a good alternative.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Millennium said:

    Majority of the time that someone pulls jets is to fly around and have fun in them. 

    Look at Blue angel in Noble

    There was Chicago jack almost daily posting fly bys in them and formations and shit. 

    They spend millions of their dollars to have fun in a jet knowing that if they crash that costs them 1.6 million dollars. Now if they land they have a chance of losing all that money.

    Perhaps they shouldn't buy a military aircraft that is armed if they don't want to lose it. Thankfully last update they made an unarmed Caesar racing plane which is legal to own which is a good alternative.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Millennium said:

    Really? so does that mean that armed planes aren't armed vehicles since they dont have any visible weapons. You are fucking reaching for stuff right now, just stop.

    No, the ARMED plane has a usable weapon so it meets the definition of an armed vehicle.

    2 minutes ago, Millennium said:

    and yes there is a decision. You decided to make them illegal

    Again, they have a visible weapon so they have always met the definition of being an armed vehicle.

    • Clown 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Millennium said:

    so are medic Ghawks illegal now? Just because it has a visible gun that can't even be used mean that it should be illegal that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

    Medic Ghosthawk is not illegal for the same reason the medic strider and hunter is not illegal.

    1 minute ago, Millennium said:
    Civs hardly have a counter against it as well. It goes over 1600 km/h. you don't see us complaining about it. They are more effective on catching people do runs but is hardly used b/c of the price of it.

    Civs not being able to defend themselves against a military vehicle is just another reason they should be illegal?

  8. Just now, Vigi easy money said:

    Stfu lmao nobody uses them show one time someone has used a jet to stop you from winning a fight on wait you don't have any

    It's not about stopping me from winning. The jet is a military armed vehicle that can scout the map at supersonic speeds with like a 5x camera, why would the apd allow this kind of technology to be used against civilians?

    • Downvote 1
  9. Just now, Millennium said:

    Park your car infront of it.

    Again, only possible when it's stationary which is the only time apd can do anything about a jet.

    Just now, Millennium said:

    Yes it can scout the map at supersonic speed. Yes it has visible guns, but cannot be used. It is hardly ever even used against the APD either.

    Nowhere in the handbook does it state that an armed vehicle must have its weapons usable

    1 minute ago, Millennium said:

    idk just braindead making it illegal even tho it really doesn't impact you that much

    A vehicle that practically has no counter against cops is not healthy for the server.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Millennium said:

    A vehicle that you spend millions on that can hardly do anything and can only land in certain locations is now illegal? WOW makes a LOT of sense. It doesn't even impact cops.


    The jet can scout the map at supersonic speeds, the jet is armed (has weapons visible so it already met the definition of an illegal vehicle), and is not possible to deal with a jet as a cop unless it is stationary. 

    • Clown 4
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  11. 23 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:

    Players from olympus are leaving, they leave and go play servers like anzus, they play cop on anzus, as you have almost the same gear as your most senior. Not saying deputies should get mk-1s. But i do think our server, which is losing cops e.g christopher walken to go and play anzus, should take a note of the things they do, and try improve what we have rn

    Difference is on anzus is that there are gangs that have good players, only gangs on oly that have good players exclusively sit inside warzone and never leave because they are self sufficient there. So then you have these groups that try and do 20+ man federal events and still lose, so then they think the apd is OP because they won't consolidate into 1 gang and kick the shitters.

  12. 4 hours ago, Silton said:

    Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD

    Haha imagine the freakout you and civ council would have if we tried doing something for PO+

  13. 7 minutes ago, sploding said:

    Don't really agree with this one chief,

    I get wanting to reduce the amount of bargaining going on with tickets, but this would be better left to the discretion of Corporals+ or making some combination of charges a must seize weapon like escaping jail is a charge where you can't give a ticket. I just feel like as a supervisor having to deal with a request to not seize weapons once every two minutes in Kav will be extremely annoying. And tbh I haven't personally witnessed many egregious cases of weapons not being seized.

    Literally the only time I have seen people not seize a weapon is if they agree to pay their ticket, which at that point you're just taking payment in exchange for them letting have an illegal item, basically corruption.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Monks said:

    Let me set an example for you. Lets say there is 10 cops on that are all deps and pos and are getting railed at a fed. Then 3 seniors log on and realize that there is only 7 civs at the fed. Do you think they will tell the juniors to leave or they will leave themselves? 

    1st off 7 man fed they deserve to lose, but considering there's no lethals and there are deputies so they basically do nothing, then I would have me and one other senior come and tell the third to leave.

    • Like 2
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  15. Just now, Monks said:

    I agree in most situations. Some times coordination between Srs and Jrs is ok but with stuff like this new fed rule where seniors can ask juniors to leave and not attend feds i expect a lot of Po's and deputys to miss out on fun events and stuff even tho they were on the server when it started. 

    Yea, lets just stack every fed so the civs never win.

    11 minutes ago, Monks said:

    However i do think civs will get pushed away when they continuously get tased and there guns taken bc sapd is reinforcing this rule to never let civs keep illegal weapons under any circumstances. 

    this is Just fake news, I have no problem with letting new players keep their weapons if they are interactive, not an asshole, and weren't doing a pharma, bank, etc.

    • Like 5
  16. 9 hours ago, GG Mk1 said:

    They have made multiple efforts to boost conquest to make it more viable for cartel fighters but it just seems like its at point where you guys want to log on the server make 5m for conquest each to play for the week. You guys are trying to play the game without playing the game rn.  you should not be able to log onto the server and finically sustain yourself if all you are doing is fighting in warzone. You guys can also extend out make money from fed, runs etc. but being able to play once a week in warzone and have enough money when u log off for a week a cap fighting just seems super unbalanced.

    This guy gets it.

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