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Everything posted by Boovin

  1. You wrote the ticket guide but didn’t know you can lose your vigi license for being caught mid cocaine run?
  2. Got a carrier bag full of dumpers could get a few rollies out of them?
  3. I’d rather 60 hours on APD than 60 in the ban centre
  4. I agree with this the cooperation is often one sided or doesn’t exist at all. It’s more like we are begrudgingly obliged to work together rather than seen as two emergency services that should want to work together. I’ve seen cops aggressively deny medics from a huge region of the map with innocent people dead who have nothing to do with a situation rather than deny specific people. I’ve also seen medics sneak reviving people during active fights with APD, because they “weren’t denied,” which will equally piss them off. In my opinion if you’ve got no interest in RP you should absolutely not be playing a whitelisted faction. Nobody forced you to apply for APD/RNR. There’s multiple outstanding members in both factions but unfortunately the bare minimum “battle royale with rules” type players are the ones who leave the lasting impressions
  5. No it’s a big pc the extra life just hasn’t rendered yet
  6. @ Mighty banned me for saying brown so I think posting a pic means him turning up at your door and throwing hands best course of practice is to not expose someone on the forums or in game regardless of if the info is in the public domain or not
  7. Bro ur an admins yes man on an armed assault 3 roleplaying server and I’m the delusional one lol haha xd
  8. I’ve got the full 15 min clip somewhere where you can see there’s nobody in neo hospital or nearby who could’ve delivered an epi also the Shikra clip is mine, got bugged and stuck inside, Walt spawns on me, grab a ride back to terminal then another teamplayers member is at my side seconds after pulling it out
  9. I’ve got a clip of a tp member being admin revived while zerging a smaller gang at neo hospital. So ur not wrong
  10. 2 mins buds will just check my crystal ball
  11. I’ve always found passenger seating and venomous racism in direct are both very effective counters to DPI
  12. It still blows my mind that people dupe/exploit on this server and think they’re gonna get away with it, people always get caught and the punishments have always been harsh. It’s less common now because most shit has been patched but all these forum posts claiming the punishment was harsh is embarrassing. You’re all just mad you got caught!!!
  13. Generous prize but I don’t think anyone could clown on them harder than they clowned on themselves. Sat in the ban centre weeping, rolling their massive foreheads on their cheap, dirty keyboards. Split the cash between them if they ever get unbanned they need it. (Also Ty for houses x2 losers)
  14. I think this was well handled by all staff involved. I can only speak on behalf of my gang, but we did not dupe and we were NOT banned. Great work team keep it up
  15. you didn’t even need a forum account back then as a normal civ unless you were appealing bans. I don’t expect you to know that because you were probably 7 years old at the time
  16. I got a 2 year ban for 1 offence so you should get a 2 year ban for each offence, see you in 3 milly years bucko Ty for houses
  17. You can’t immediately ban all of the addicts, you need to wean them off the server to prevent crippling withdrawal
  18. Been on this server since the beginning BUDDY, maybe check your facts instead of checking vending machines for leftover change
  19. Oi Dylan gizza bo’o’o’wo’o am chowkin
  20. Dear Olympus Community, It is with a heavy heart that I bid you all farewell. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have been sentenced to 23 years in prison, which means that I will not be able to return to this beloved gaming community. I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the friends, moderators, and administrators who have made my time here truly special. The memories and friendships I've made at Olympus will always hold a special place in my heart. Though my journey has taken an unexpected turn, I will carry the gaming community with me in my thoughts as I navigate this new chapter in my life. Farewell, and thank you for the wonderful memories. Sincerely, [Your Username]
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