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  1. I can't beilve the betrayal at the end makes me sad
  2. ^ and avoid kavala the BS drastically drops down... but i hear you with the RP they just do the min required to not get a ban... that said have had alot of good rp here... enough to deal with the BS and sometimes rage inducing stuff lol
  3. But poseidon he seems to be a honest cheater ( irony ) im glad you wont give in once a cheat always a cheat in my book.
  4. Why does shit like this need to be posted? O wait there isnt a reason.
  5. 65 Kills 84 Deaths 0 Revives 27 Arrests Made $5.1036e006 Bounties received 116.458 Km Distance travelled (foot) 2869.82 Km Distance travelled (vehicle) 2950 Minutes Playtime Civ 1386 Minutes Playtime Cop 0 Minutes Playtime R&R
  6. If they get chopped drew u dont get them back
  7. Wait doesnt the dms have thermal or is that the dvs?
  8. their server their rules even though i dont agree i wanna play here so i abide to them.....
  9. So the people who are offended would just changing there name be fine? They can change it to a made up name and do the same thing?
  10. So their tactics amd the way they rp is fine just not the name? And bat sorry for the one guy who has to try and troll. We all know in real life isis is terrible thing i just think its not real in a video game and wont like somehow shape someones opinion in the real world of their actions. If you go back everyones blood kin have been thru terrible atrocities committed to their people. Im sorry your family have been affected by ignorance and greed.
  11. Flap they changed the isis name on the show : ( for upcoming season
  12. Ardee i do understand how people can be offended by this but i still stick to its a video game about role play no one should be personally offended by how someone plays a fake thing. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i realize im probably the minoirty on this.( also have no affliation with the gang)
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