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Everything posted by Rugg

  1. Thanks for fix
  2. pls fix it.
  3. I'm pretty sure I am
  4. Notice the ridiculous amount of shotgun shells on the ground. Wow.
  5. Rugg


    I already don't like you
  6. Good luck getting the server to like those physics
  7. I totally messed this up, Not planes, planes would be okay, but forklifts and things would break everything.
  8. Would all absolutely break this games physics causing things to fly into the air and cause massive explosions.
  9. KappaKappKappaKappaKappaKamelon
  10. I shall give 5 ingame dollars to whomever may solve my riddle
  11. Did i really write this, I was just angry af I got banned. I don't think 5 days was right but I have been banned twice before so but is there a way to delete posts :3?
  12. If you want it to be realistic you would make it so your bounty never raises automatically, and only if the police department puts out a warrant for your arrest, raise the jail time/price for murder (it would be murder not manslaughter because the police would need proof that it was in fact, murder, and place the warrant on you) significantly.
  13. Its not hard, just dont get banned every day you are online! 1,892,735 jump btw
  14. Obviously not that's why I said I'd comp him two, three times the value of chopping it. I didn't know it was a rule because typically, if you are stupid, you don't get banned.
  15. I didn't say that it isn't unfair, I'm saying I do not care about what is fair and I got a 5 day ban for putting my truck in a garage while being shot at even after offering comp for the chop value
  16. I'm thinking about leaving the server, many of you don't care or know who I am, or actually want me to leave, but I have been banned so much, for (imo) stupid reasons, and I am about to spend more time banned than unbanned, and I feel there is no point in me playing it if all I do is accidentally break rules I didn't know exist and go away for 5 days. I'm just curious if any of you have opinions on this Strawpoll
  17. Hello, some of you may know me, I have 1504 hours as of posting this in ArmA 3, and I am still no good. I enjoy driving and doing legal jobs because I do not enjoy killing people and ruining peoples day. In my opinion 50% of arma 3 life is a skinnerbox and for me 50% getting robbed, but for most of the population (awful clan kiddies) 50% robbing people for no good reason. I also belive this resembles Rust's community very well, completely awful. I enjoy helping people, because I am not a bad person (unlike every clan out there). I am in a clan, because I need to be if I want to have fun playing the Skinnerbox watching my numbers go up. Its a game, which I get salty about, deal with it.
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