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Everything posted by Rugg

  1. Someone lock this post.
  2. When can I expect the next stream?
  3. ... Do you even understand what I was trying to say? I, open TOR, then, check forums, to see, if I can see my post, if yes, not banned.
  4. Rugg


  5. :| Server 2 friend, will get the 3 day.
  6. Or i could open a browser with a vpn and log in with a new account and already know I wasnt becuase im not a total moron
  7. How is it doomed?
  8. I'm pretty sure literally no one even remotely likes me in all of the Olympus community
  9. I apologize for nothing. Just set it to a rediculously low number pls idc anymore Tomorrow I shall proceed with a relentless storm of fantastic videos and a huge list of player reports to cleanse the servers.
  10. Lol so as you may have heard me, Rugg, has gotten -99 reputation and im not even sure if you can see this because for all I know I got shadowbanned or something, what exactly happens besides this reflecting how the server things of me <3? ~Please +1 this
  11. Rugg


    Well you better get working on that bcs now my mission in life is go get to 0 reputation edit: screw that.
  12. Rugg


    Dude I already have this poll check my signature
  13. well i fixed my original post now edit: I just got out of bed, turned my pc back on, and wen't back in arma just to see if I got banned or not.
  15. at -80 reputation I will giveaway 10 ingame dollars.
  16. Rugg

    New jail

    Another way to instantly get 30 fps is buy an AMD fx 8320 like i did...
  17. Probably
  18. Rugg

    My 10/10 stream

    I will try to stream my cringe online for the next few days pls watch my cringe I am an attention whore who needs to be fed pls. https://www.twitch.tv/ruggmaster/
  19. oOOohhhh thought lights and sounds activated together
  20. Was peoples ears aids after this?
  21. Is it gud? edit: ayy 111'th post
  22. Lol I wish I was welcome to join APD, unfortunately, I am 14.
  23. TLDR DOOD Weapon & Vehicle crafting is gimmicky and homosexual I used to play on the server, but when they changed the prices of everything it broke money making, I ended up photo shopping a video to get 120k by compensations because it was rediculous to make money on your o
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