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  1. 10asstitty


    Oh golly please don’t bully me.
  2. 10asstitty


    I’m Tenacity, I’ve been around ingame for a few years now but recently started playing again with my group of friends/gang TZ. Taking this server even slightly seriously has made me realize I’m not as good at ArmA as I thought so I’m trying to get better right now. I like boys.
  3. The nametag system on this server is kind of a problem. We have gangs but very little way to identify yourself, I'm not saying Serious RP is the answer but the amount of problems that arise from these fucking nametag's is surreal.. there just has to be a better way. Maybe change certain render distances for name tags of certain roles like Vigilante and Cops? Based on the cops information (your name), (your bounty)- I don't see why he cant search your house. If he didn't know you ran out the other side I see your arguement, and 8 mill of drugs is a lot- I just don't see any fix to that. I find it kind of annoying how shit cops can be, but I feel like instead of people wanting to change the system they just want the server to go from Cops vs. Robbers to just Robbers.. which really would be boring as a motherfucker.
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