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Everything posted by cornet

  1. You're right. I am faded.
  2. they're ass at other games so they're stuck on an arma 3 server for pvp joined 2020
  3. my bad. did he get banned too?
  4. crystalline skies show saturn's waning∼

    1. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      still smoking meth i thought you said you where going to quit

    2. cornet


      i havent logged i fear 😕 

    3. cornet


      they got my ass in jail for smth i didnt do ! 

  5. if you didn't ban the entire population for bullshit, those donos would get you a better pc. my rust runs at 150 fps no stutters :pp
  6. cornet

    DP5 4c

  7. that looks so good
  8. https://gyazo.com/8d651c978d73fe943baf60d2dcffedd2
  9. https://gyazo.com/b202422686fc58648e18d91765d9f48b friend owns the other half of the houses. let's start at a small 100m
  10. a fan club
  11. 1. When PTS (Permission To Speak) is active, do not speak unless you ask for permission.
  12. thanks for sending me your bookmarked video
  13. asking who i am on my own post, you're absolutely delusional. wtf does noble even have to do with anything. you respond to any post regarding prism and you're a fan bringing up shit that none of the current members are even aware of. tf is "moonshine scraps" ?
  14. i don't know if you're actually brain dead or something, but it's a fucking meme. i sure as hell know that the "gamers rise up" gang isn't on top of anything except prism's dick. fuck off and go be retarded somewhere else, fan
  15. bro, you're crazy if you think anybody is reading any of this shit. get tf off my post and pls go suck someone else's dick
  16. this mf is dyslexic, don't worry about him
  17. yeah, i got removed. thank god bro, i was about to lose my rank from inactivity, anyways. FUCK 12
  18. i fight s2. https://gyazo.com/a96f0b4b170c954ad6403f499dd87972 rent free
  19. inconceivable--no way people actually play any other game except arma nobody told you we're fighting rn, dumbass
  20. bro, i don't even know you. pls stfu and stop sending your bitch into our discord.
  21. so play on a server where people actually contest. i'll be on s2
  22. S1 LMAOOO
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