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Posts posted by bigSMOKE

  1. 7 minutes ago, TomKingslayer said:

    Its kinda ridiculous that i have a nearly 2000 dollar PC and i cant go more then 20 hrs normally on the server with out texture glitching or black screening. I also have tbbmalloc installed which is supposed to help but it still refuses to work.

    Literally just crashed my racing caesar because i froze and black screened mid air and force disconnected. Even worse, shadow play wont record shit in arma when the game is crashing or texture glitch no matter what i do. 

    I've been on the server for over 2 years now and i never remember there being a texture glitch even 6 months ago... Could you please fix it? As far as im concerned literally everyone is annoyed by it whether they personally are plagued with it or not. Not only does it effect the person who gets texture glitched but it also slows down their teammates/friends.





    Main Components:
    980 ti
    i7 4790k 

    1600mhz DDR3 2x8gb 
    Asrock z97 fatality.



    256gb Crucial M.2 SSD(ARMA 3 INSTALL.)
    160gb Intel 320 SSD(Windows)
    1tb HDD(Random shit, Steam folder for not important games.)

    you spent 2k for a i7 4790K 


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  2. 5 minutes ago, Vextrum said:

    let me elaborate the end of my comment ... when I said this is the reason I have been banned 5 times recently but not once over the year and a half I have played here I mean the fail rp the rdm when it happens I just say into the voice chat if you don't give a fuck why should I and I ebola myself and return a couple weeks later to test the quality of life but nothing improves ..... I loved Olympus it was very fun that being said I'm afraid its not gonna improve most likely just get worse which is sad since only 5% of the population engages properly or cares about rules as is so if it gets worse ..yikes... RIP it was a good run peace love all the above

    I think its scrub lord  but I could be wrong . thanks for the comment :D

    bigsmoke ty for further illustrating my point

    I didn't feel like reading your pointless rant so idk what point I illustrated 

  3. I would like the cartel shuffling idea and the war zones, just some things to bring old fighters back into the server currently it's not completely dead but fighting wise it is, just a post for people to post their ideas for the admins/mods to see and maybe we can help the server some

  4. 3 minutes ago, Joel said:

    Is there new cartels? 

    they're in the process of making new ones

    I agree there should be some sort of reward system, it would encourage people to fight and reward them, although the rewards should be determined by the admins and maybe after coming up with 3-5 ideas or so, make a poll on the forums to let the active community vote upon them. @Bow

  5. Whats the point of adding the new cartels everyones been begging for when the current cartels aren't fought properly or at all, everytime I go to a cartel the other gang is 1km out roaching, have 5 untagged guys ghosting in, it's always something. I would like new cartels but they won't be fought because the gangs that fight are mostly dead

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