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  1. see i took the test like 3 months ago i have put alot og time in to the server and i know like all the admins sep like one i ant saying that i couldnt pass now but getting told that i dont have enof hours in the game blows my mind i mean i been play for like 4 to 5 months strate and i had to take a brake bc work got crazy and i come back to find that every thing that i have done pffffff gone the time i put in to the server gone and i think thats crazy but it prob just me
  2. i wanted to try the cops be i was r&r i have played on this server for 450 hours just on this server i have read the rules and know them better then any one and for some resone they tell me i dont have enof time or learn the rules when i all i did was mix one question up and fixed it as soon after and they tell me try agin at a latter date. i dont think it right but hey i guess it there server and prob why there is way less people then there use to be
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