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Everything posted by coopacarp
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Make sure you post the get together here, I would love to know this meme. -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Surprised GOAT hasn't asked for Raptor's signature, kid mentions him so fucking much. Freak -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Someone please fill me in on this tortilla meme of this fat kid bro -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Cope harder and embarrass yourself more, I enjoy seeing your mental capacity/brain cells deteriorate with every response. No backpedaling here, just making you look like more of a sped while you further prove all my points. -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
You're so heated and pressed nobody likes you, you decide to shit talk even those that are seemingly defending you lmfao. I don't know how you don't cringe at yourself constantly with the "rent free" "Hold this L" bs. Literally the smallest vocabulary of any "adult" I've met and an extremely weird way to cope. -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
"care to comment" like I didn't drop a paragraph embarrassing your retarded ass for the second time on this topic. Read the status post I linked and the paragraph I posted regarding your ignorance and inability to admit I clearly baited the fuck out of you into getting triggered over a JOKE lmfao. Cry lil man, cry away. I will say I didn't realize he posted this AFTER Ryan asked for proof, however... Usually when someone has to so "With all due respect" "I don't want to offend" etc, etc. They know what they are saying is inherently inconsiderate or offensive and shouldn't be said at the time. He could have easily just PM'd people that knew him if he needed "proof"... A background of hate isn't why I posted it, I do hate GOAT but I'm not a child that cares about something that happened in 2019 like GOAT does, I just had to comment on that because he brought it up to save himself. First off, not that many people just look for reasons to be mad over Arma 3 and like I said, didn't realize it was posted before Ryan's post but it still doesn't change the fact that your first thought is to question his death legitimacy publicly on a R.I.P post of all things, super unnecessary when you can just PM people that would be able to confirm it for you, DABEST had close friends and I am sure his dumbass is aware of that. Everyone has a right to question what they want but don't be surprised when I called you an emotionally inept fucking toddler when you can't realize how morally wrong and inhuman it is to respond to a death by instantly questioning how true the death is?? DABEST was a chill guy but again, it's disrespectful to do what he did and tbh I don't think he would have been cool with GOAT doing that on someone's RIP post if it was a friend of his. Lastly, never cropped anything out you tard, literally posted the entire response minus like 2 responses of him being a retard, if anything was edited or added it was AFTER I took the gyazo and made the post which is obvious because GOAT never mentioned editing his response so he clearly edited it after this post was made more than likely because he can't admit his wrong doings and would rather cover his tracks to save face. Your reasons excusing what he did being "Arma 3 people are soft", basically, is pretty fucking dog shit in this scenario. Might as well just go to his rip post and tell everyone that replied to suck it up bruh P.S. Noble made a good point in saying GOAT still refuses to apologize now knowing that Ryan's post exists and the news isn't "fake" so yea, his comment is still shit seeing as he can't apologize or admit wrong doing after the "proof" he so desired was posted... -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
You didn't just "request info on a players death" you flat out questions the legitimacy out of a fucking death because once again, you are retarded. You can't change things to fit your narrative like you try to with Raptor zzzz. You think you win arguments by saying retarded shit and saying "L", just shows your maturity. Step outside fat boy. I rest my case, you're inconsiderate and make shit up to save your ass. Show the proof of me supporting raptor that you think you have lol. Fuck it I'll just go ahead and disprove your lies for you https://olympus-entertainment.com/profile/27350-mr-goat/?status=51594&type=status To whoever is a retard and thinks I support a fucking PEDO that did shit to my close friends in VX, go ahead and open every reply in that status and try to tell me it wasn't BLATANTLY a joke to piss off GOAT with everyone realizing that except GOAT and try to tell me GOAT wasn't clearly baby raging and making up some weird ass shit over a joke HE started in game lol. Oops, did I take away your only fucking lie that you cling to? Freak Peep the reply Woo left regarding how much of a POS you are btw. Just as much of a cunt back then as you are now lol, never learn -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I would LOVE proof of me supporting the guy that violated my close friends you actual pathetic excuse for a human bruh. The things you say should get you banned but everyone knows you're stuck inside saying shit you shouldn't say because you're on a computer and you get away with it. I've seen pics of you bruh, you're literally a fat child don't act like a big boy with a brain when you're actually retarded. And you are being called out for being an inconsiderate piece of fucking SHIT. Who the actual fuck demands proof that someone isn't lying over a DEATH when it was the OWNER HIMSELF who made the news known??? Are you so fucking DENSE you live in your own make believe world that that shit is ok? Go socialize with someone for once in your fucking life and learn how to act bruh. P.S. If you try to link a gyazo of what I said to your retarded ass on the forums you're just going to get made fun of again like last time because I hurt your pussy ass feelings in game and decided to bully your ass by joking around and now you cling to it like a fucking life raft in the middle of the ocean lmao. Pathetic. And when you say "we don't forget those kinda things" you mean you, you don't forget when I embarrass you and you make shit up to try to feel better. Nobody else thinks I support that fucking freak except you and maybe a very small group of other butt hurt children with no brain cells. -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Wtf did you download? LMAO Here you go my sweet ruler @ The Owner https://www.opera.com/gx?utm_campaign=OGX_US_Search_EN_Brand&utm_source=sa360_GOOGLE&utm_medium=ba_ose&edition=std-1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-L-ZBhB4EiwA76YzOVAXpiL5WUkX82Xs90MrCApyRjoI2Z5yjguC3cOKJpVKVAaqghMZlhoCxk0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&utm_id=CjwKCAjw-L-ZBhB4EiwA76YzOVAXpiL5WUkX82Xs90MrCApyRjoI2Z5yjguC3cOKJpVKVAaqghMZlhoCxk0QAvD_BwE Looks a lil sussy but I would never take your credit card info -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Upvoted packs? Nah papa g, just turn on dark mode if you use Opra GX -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Oh lmfao if you download Opera GX it's a fucking AWESOME 10/10 browser that has low usage so you won't fuck your games. It has a dark mode and makes it look like that for me I think the dark mode is what causes that -
GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)
coopacarp replied to coopacarp 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I'm gonna be honest with you chief. I had an aneurism trying to read that and I still have no idea what you mean -
Let me start by saying R.I.P to DABEST all though I didn't know him that well, still sucks to hear sad news like that no matter who it is. However, I didn't feel like it was right to let GOAT slide with being a socially and emotionally inept fucking retard. Who tf in their right mind replies to a R.I.P status with this stupid shit??? Have a blessed afterlife with those you love @ DABESTeva
- 62 replies
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They are known for having discharges especially due to their lack of a proper safety, the grip is god awful, the sights are shit, the weapon is overall ugly as fuck, the list goes on. The biggest problem with a Glock imo other than it being overrated because it's affordable, is the "safety", which has 3 different parts, but to simplify it, the trigger has a bump on it that acts as a sort of smaller trigger, you have to pull both simultaneously when you wish to discharge the pistol... How is having a fucking trigger on top of the trigger a safety feature??? The only reason Glocks are bought is because they are good for their price, it is a functioning pistol that is affordable to most of the people in the world. I personally would never buy a gun because it is cheaper. I am not really a fan of pistols in general, I'm working on building my AR-15 at the moment because AR's are a million times more fun and reliable.
I didn't realize we disagreed a lot LMAO
Skys just because Mason isn't here to yell at you doesn't mean you can start acting out
Why would you ever buy a glock un-ironically??? Get a fucking sig my guy
This entire post is living proof the community would pass this vote, stop being a parasitic tard. I like my brain cells not being sucked from my body thanks
"frag off and we win feds"
The problem is you actually tricked yourself into believing Silla is a good thing for the server, DB was the true Kav ruling gang and honestly most people didn't really hate them, just got annoyed by them. They weren't completely trash like you guys (still a zerg tho of course) and honestly I never had the problems I had with you retards, you act like you don't have rule breakers in your gang but that's most of your gang, you have fat the most rude/obnoxious/egotistical man children I've ever met and ye, there's a reason Silla is the most dog shit and hated gang on the server you rat, you live to ruin everything fun. My gang did gang base two times and we had more troubles getting out of fucking spawn than trying to cap gang base because you kids are such losers you just camp events and ruin them lmfao but yea (Silla is a GREAT thing for the server and it's population). Yea stfu you compulsive liar. You don't help fucking anyone, you might meet someone that is toxic and ratty like the rest of you and take him in but you never make the server enjoyable for normal new people, nobody likes going near Kav, it was never like that before. Again, maybe annoying slightly with DB but I never actively wanted to fucking strangle someone so bad than when you guys had Kav lol. You do RDM, RDM means Random Death Match, sure you guys do engage SOMETIMES but a lot of what you do is against the rules and genuinely nobody can be bothered to waste time reporting it unless they are really angry lol. But my main point with the Random Death Match thing was that you guys might engage sometimes but you still just randomly fucking kill anyone in Kav, not against the rules if you engage of course but you are still major cunts that will kill any and everyone that steps foot in Kav so once again, don't act like Silla is a positive to the server when you are fucking parasites. When you live on a game, it becomes your life and they take it to heart lol. HA, not just his experience which is why the whole server despises Silla except for Silla members. CAP, you don't even play anymore and you are dog shit at reprimanding because you definitely have repeat offenders who break rules. They recruit people they like and that are as awful as them, the average new person would be shot on sight by Silla, go in kav and walk around for a while and you will see them gat new people constantly. You must not have much experience with them if you think new people are the ones breaking the rules in their gang and nobody else. It's only a shitshow 90% of the time because of Silla, most new people who try to RDM just get clapped in 2 seconds They are a majority rotten cunts, there are very few that are good so just reverse that first statement and I will agree xd they have no positives, do you not pay attention to the forums or any in game talk??? When do you see SIlla being talked positively about other than BY SILLA? You think we are all just "haters"? Lmfao Def not even 1/4 of the server has been in silla and if they have and aren't anymore, ask them why... Just because they joined doesn't mean Silla made a good impact or they enjoyed Silla. Yes... Most people don't own even 5 houses but it's totallllly gonna kill the server pop. Comparing a guy who spent like 15 hours a day on the server primarily getting homes to the average person with a life and job who can only play a couple hours a day at most? Yea maybe just stop putting your opinions on this post... You're right, 15-20 person silla member that is xd ivy alone owns like 13 bruh Nobody cares that you wasted your life getting a virtual house, the point is you actually have 0 hours on this server almost every week, you DO NOT USE THEM lmfao, you don't even need 1 house let alone 13+. Time for the active player base to take over and USE the houses unlike you retard. Federal events makes sense to have 5+ houses, most people who do runs outa their houses only do 1-2 runs (silla literally only does weed and copper) so why do you need more than 5 houses for 2 fucking runs? There are more than 2 federal events so owning a house at each one, makes sense you would need like 5+ houses. If you go so hard you can fill 5 houses and need more, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities in life. You musta missed the part where the staff pointed out that Ivy alone has 13 houses, if not more and Ivy also has 0 hours almost every week, still think that femboy needs 13 fucking houses? It's a benefit to new players and OG's that will actively use these good houses that are being hoarded for fucking vanity. Refer to what I said about cheese earlier you freak Outa reactions +1
Damn bro saying it should be a community vote but I'm pretty sure the only people complaining about this is the weirdos in Silla lmfao, even if it was a community vote this would still pass. That's an awesome change tbh, you don't NEED more than 5 houses, I don't think I ever owned more than 3? Tf do you need more than 5 bruh
Idk anything about what is happening here, I just wanted to remind you that you raided a guys house because he stood on top of it and you never admitted you were at fault, you instead added in the handbook the example of standing on top of your house is probably cause lmfao. You guys can resume fighting now