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Everything posted by Cyanyde

  1. Makes me miss the job.. I was a senior medic on my former island... I'll be the first to say it's not all roses and sunshine though. Nice job.. keep 'em coming.
  2. I have the same cpu/gpu love it!
  3. Bought my first house on s2 last night. 1.3 mill in the bank and a tempest device.. Feels like a good first day.
  4. I've been kinda bummed since RGN took down the Altis Life server, been thinking about getting Apex, but I don't have the extra cash atm. I'm kinda stoked to get to know the other players on here and stuff, it's been awhile, but it's nice playing again. It's weird being a civie again, after playing so much medic though. Gotta make that money yo.
  5. That's.. uh, interesting?
  6. Hell yeah bro! How have you been?
  7. Hi everyone, I just started playing on Olympus 1 this morning and so far it seems like a great Altis Life server. I played on GSN before they split and then stuck with RGN up until they closed down their Altis server. In that time, I was a whitelisted cop as well as the first EMS instructor on the server. I have over 2000 hours in Arma 3 and most of them were on one Altis server or another, starting with GSN/RGN and then spreading to STS and Asylum. Not only do I play quite frequently, but I also map in 3den, and have *some* scripting knowledge as well. I intend to play on here quite a bit and will probably apply for medic and cop at some point in the future. I look forward to meeting you all on the server and getting to know you in TS and becoming part of your community. Don't hesitate to ask me, if you want to know anything else.
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