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About CucumberJack

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  1. @ Mist I'll take 5.5mil that's sold. How would you like to go about it? staff middleman? I don't have a house there but I do have the garage server 1
  2. What are you willing to pay for a 22 garage
  3. Selling DP 17 Garage & Closest house to mush pro 2 crater (550m) Screenshots: Both on map: https://gyazo.com/3d804a4ef14188c522d9bd38fe2f2318 garage: https://gyazo.com/802885ac0fa398f8488bf97a9187b2cf house: https://gyazo.com/ce08d1b18df4256e8e3786740f50c721
  4. http://prntscr.com/125spi3 -- Offers? Will sell on in-game market. So no scam obviously.
  5. You think that until I go first bitch get off my messages you autism-spectrum trolls.
  6. They assume I'm the same person because my post is touching the scammer's post idc what the forum retards say about me lol. yes I have 4 mil but loads of drugs need sold. @Y A Y O I'm interested
  7. Not sure if anyone is sellin' or what they even go for, but lmk if interested!
  8. When in reality people are only apart of the Olympus community, because of it being within top 5 most active servers on a dead game.
  9. @Capricorn lmk when you're on
  10. Selling a 3-crater that can see Kavala APD from the main hill. It can view majority of all APD. You can annoy APD and either rack a phat bounty, or annoy APD when they are processing. Taking offers House Balcony view: http://prntscr.com/kz80fv House Window view:https://prnt.sc/kz814c Map view of house: http://prntscr.com/kz80jj
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