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APD Officer
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Everything posted by AccountDeleted4Good

  1. After they let you go your engagement is over, they can not take u hostage again, do what ever the fuck u want after.
  2. ill 2mil BIN everything If I get a list
  3. bin all Spar 16s him with price
  4. Ill stick with the 11, Everything is still over Priced. Just a few months ago the Market Never Crashed.... I dont think the forums understands this and the pricing of shit. and on top of the the Heron is not #1 no more its #2 5mil Armed Offroad /10mil Heli unless Ghosthawk
  5. it got over paid, nothing worth that much
  6. Need to wait until 2pm EST
  7. Post below what u got and how much
  8. I have one 400m from Pro, up on the hill south 2crater
  9. whats offer?
  10. PM Offers, Trolls Post Random insults as normal..
  11. Kk I'm online in the mornings est. Can buy it at anytime
  12. Still have some available.
  13. Hit me up with and offer. U can pm me.
  14. Looking for offers
  15. Your Right, We are a Community with over 500 Memebrs you my friend wine a fucking alot
  16. U wish bud
  17. who the hell is saying gang life is dieing? just the people whos gang is Dieing??? pretty sure thats a personal thing.
  18. I use After Effects might be basic to some but all custom no templates
  19. yes unfortunately we share acronyms with national socialist movement
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