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Buffalo Bill

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bill

  1. https://gyazo.com/2718e4d1bc41c96c1ebc27fdd3d414b8 https://gyazo.com/e09fb5f846f411b8c13c354eb081c67b https://gyazo.com/b283b74b6810f0eec62a87fb6d0f3914 That is some quality COD rage
  2. This is how I like my steak. 1. Walk up to a local cattle farm. 2. Hop the fence 3. Samurai sword a cow 4. Spread bacon bits all over it 5. Chow down
  3. That's tempting but I already have a meth house
  4. I told the cop I had a crimeshare membership and to let me go but he just laughed in my face and sent me to jail anyways. I'm disappointed.
  5. I approve this. You forgot the dead dog.
  6. 10% in a day, I think we got this. 80 dollhairs to go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buffalo Bill

      Buffalo Bill

      67 dollhairs to go boys 

    3. Marty


      we're at 93% now so only $47 to go!

    4. Buffalo Bill

      Buffalo Bill

      47 dollhairs to go lets go

  7. Taxi Hippo will take your Chrome Mohawk down to hell.
  8. We will just get Taxi Hippo to "ask you nicely" if we can have Mohawks.
  9. Bubbaloo - "I think we will meet the donation goal in 3 days"

    Come back 2 hours later 54% to 67% Top Tier Spookyness

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ham


      I'll try to get $40 donated tomorrow. Hopefully paypal will work with me.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    4. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      If I wasn't a poor swedish cunt, then I would donate. 20$ is like 200sek for me

  10. I just realized that I had already used my negative reputation point for the day. I feel sad now xD
  11. It's ok everyone, Dubvee just needs some attention every now and again.
  12. Bye
  13. Straight outta
  14. That isn't going to stop people from killing other people.
  15. I am going to give the ARCO a for a day or two. I haven't used in a long time.
  16. I have always felt that I couldn't hit anything with the ARCO
  17. I personally use the MRCO Also, could we make this a discussion on the reason behind your preference. Pro's and Con's
  18. I think Stats page is broken. It won't even give me a box to put my ID into. GOOD FUCKING JOB FEDOT

    Kappa 123

    1. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      inb4 he blames gary

    2. Fedot


      inb4 blames poseidon

  19. Mom get the camera I made it on a list.
  20. I was going to post a pic but Phone life prevents me.
  21. 76561198067922346
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