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Posts posted by Pancake

  1. 32 minutes ago, Frato said:

    Cheaters will just afk for 10-20 hours. Hour requirements also don't work no matter how high cause they can just buy accounts that have the required hours.

    Pretty sure this guy was in woo back, which was a known cheater gang I would disregard his opinion 

    • BlessUp 1
    • +1 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Community Director Sov said:

    Here's a crazy fucking thought.  WHY DOESN'T OLYMPUS SUE PEACH COLLECTOR?

    I'm not even joking.  He's definitely caused significant monetary damage at this point.  It would make him stop forever.  I'm sure somewhere along the way Oly has caught a real IP off him, if not already know his name and location. Take his ass to court for a significant amount, and if he doesn't  show up it's a default judgement.  

    mailing schizophrenia medication to his house might also resolve the problem 

    • BlessUp 2
  3. 37 minutes ago, Community Director Sov said:

    I mean.. It's not all devs.  And if you think something is worthwhile, you should always push for it.  Do do anything else would be a failure of my job as a cc rep in bringing up what most people want to happen.  

    I should fight for it for the exact same reason staff can't be on CC. 

    gave pretty clear reasoning on why they cant add it, its really easy to exploit. they wont add something that's easy to exploit regardless of how many people want it, it would cause more harm than good. If you want actual change on the server it seems like it would be alot smarter to focus on changes that might actually get added rather than pursue things that have been explicitly denied, or propose some alternative compromise, which I haven't seen you do. Chasing things you cant get is also a failure of your job as a cc rep. 

    Also, what is the logic behind reverting the system? maybe people had different experiences than me but it was ridiculously easy to get war points you could spawn in kav and pdub 3 guys and get 30-40 warpoints and when you died you would lose 1. I dont think it makes any sense in a game like Olympus to incentivize worse gear, just gives the good players a reason to farm the shitters relentlessly, which is what happened. Longshot rewards were kind of cool, because it was rare, but long distance fighting in arma is easily one of the least fun ways to fight in this game, at least in my opinion. Titaning should also probably not be incentivized, as it is an extremely one sided fight, and you can fire a titan from complete safety and it is an incredibly powerful tool, especially if you are at war and don't have to titan engage. A titan is a very powerful tool than can shut down air vehicles in a large area, from complete safety with its main draw back being that its expensive. There is no reason to give titaning a way to generate profit as it completely negates the only drawback it has. If everybody gets a bunch of warpoints from titaning, all air travel all over the map will be more aids, the only type of person this would benefit is the type of person who sits around all day trying to titan people for no real reason, but thankfully nobody in the Olympus community would ever spend their time doing that, so I really don't understand the change.

    59 minutes ago, hawkg said:

    Because they don’t know the struggle of getting warpoints on server 1 they just cash in their gay staff points 

    If you cant go warpoint positive after 6k hours in arma its on you man  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. Just now, Community Director Sov said:

    There should be solid rewards for people who WAR.  Good rewards.  But only for people who actually WAR.

    i get that, I think disabling wp transfers would be a great idea, not the point im trying to make. just wondering why your still pushing the change back to them being more affected by gear and range when the devs were pretty clear they wont do that 

  5. 5 hours ago, Community Director Sov said:

    It's currently being exploited, and there's nothing in the return that makes it exploitable.  Being able to stack a currency you're supposed to lose if you get killed is exploiting.  There's no way anyone has ever brought up of not being tradable being exploitable.

    wp trading is a separate issue than reverting the wps to how they were. devs arent going to do that. waste of time pushing for it, but it does seem like you have a lot of that on your hands to be fair. wouldn't doubt you just want the old system back to make titaning profitable again. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Community Director Sov said:

    The order of wp's agreed upon by a majority of cc, that we kinda keep getting blocked out ..

    1.  End all WP Trading.
    2.  Revert back to OG wp equivalent system where it was capable to get like 12 if they had the right gear, right distance, right caliber vs ect. even titan bonuses.
    Its that simple.  The majority of CC want that exactly.  We want people to have to war.  We want those wars to have benefits.  We want people locked out of some things if they're unwilling to war.  

    We have the auction house now so if they want to sell wps, they can populate that with wp gear. 

    seems like the devs are pretty clear they wont revert wps because its exploitable why are you still pushing this 

  7. 1 minute ago, Not Skateezy -Don't Ban- said:

    Fuck you N'wah

    I don't run that shit around here.

    u probably bump drake LOL!

    I bump Moneybagg Yo, yo.

    Fuck you and ur family. entire bloodline fukt uP!

    i own 4 corvettes, more than u could ever imagine. i run the most successful lawn mowning business on eastern searboartd. no debt at all besides credit card but i owe so much its like they owe me!

    fuck you!

    can you get off of my profile and posts little kid? You are the weirdest stalker I have ever had. Every week you are on my profile and every post or comment I make you down react what a weird life you must live.  It must be crowded In That head since you have me staying there rent free! @admin can I get this stalker blocked 😂😂

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Not Skateezy -Don't Ban- said:

    hey buddy.


    you know it takes 15 pounds of force to release an exterior door? mark my fukn words

    @ Not Skateezy -Don't Ban- bread up? I own multiple businesses, a car collection, a big house, a college degree, and no debt at 22. I promise I’m worth at least twice as much as your goofy suit wearin ass. Playing captain save a hoe when nobody asked you. Get a life.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Pancake said:

    @ Clashingtin  you disliked my post could you let me know why thanks this is not cool!

    @ Clashingtin  hey dude you disliked it again? and didnt say anything?? what the hell is your problem man i didnt even say anything to you?? too scared to use your words little guy?? have to hind behind a little emoji reaction huh i bet your ancestors are proud watching how you behave LOL. kick rocks loser and stay off my posts from here on out!

    • Like 2
  10. this shit is literally insane man if I see the dealer get one more 6 card 19 im going to become violent. Never in my life have I seen a more blatantly rigged gambling game that they maintain is fair its actually unreal,  this motherfucker will literally pull two of the same card man you'll get 5 aces in one game  I hop whoever coded this bullshit is hanged. I am a long time degenerate gambler and I will never touch the blackjack table ask any gambler they will tell you that shit is rigged, and dont even get me started on the roulette wheel I have still yet to see it land on the spaces right next to green after thousands of spins, it never lands there im telling you, if anyone has a screenshot of it ill give them 10 mil im serious it never goes there. blackjack is bullshit and a scam if all my money wasnt spawned in and given to me by admins as  hush money for what I know about the server i would be absolutely livid and its honestly ridiculous to me that you people stand for this shit. I dont want to see a single corrupt admin or developer under this post saying its fair drop the win rate stats then you pussy ass bitches??? I know you wont becasue I know that shit is rigged, its probably the same with roullete too bullshit ass server 8 ball out 

    • Like 5
    • PogChamp 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Space Ranger said:

    Not saying this just to argue with ya but Im pretty sure i have had a spin hit a space right next to green when betting on green, pissed me off and it’s the only way I remember it. Don’t have video so if you want you can take my word for it


    3 minutes ago, fat female arma 3 player said:

    Yea i dont have a video of it but i have seen it hit those spaces before

    youre both wrong and have misremembered 

  12. 1700 casino uses all of that roulette not one time has it hit the spaces next to green, it never hits there no matter what. casino rigged?? if anyone has a video of a roulette spin hitting right next to green ill pay 1 mil it never happens 

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