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Status Replies posted by SLHHunter

  1. I hate to see my favorite show end. (Sorry for any spoilers in my last update but i mean come on. You had to expect it was coming)

  2. Might be MIA for a few days. Some Rl stuff going on so if you don't see me active this is why. Be sure to direct any questions you may have to the other staff if it can't wait.

  3. The support/ticket system overhaul will be finished up tomorrow, got most of the stuff done today: http://i.imgur.com/OGOdBTG.png

    1. SLHHunter


      What about the tickets we put in before this? I tried to view mine and it gives me an error message

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Ready for those cool new helicopters? I'll get them in as soon as possible, probably within an hour of the dlc coming out :) Also you can now reply to the updates/annoucnments section

    1. SLHHunter


      Yo it's out and it has been 5 minutes and no update! Come on man im too hyped for this!! xD <3

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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