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Dr Dopey

R&R Medic
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About Dr Dopey

  • Birthday 12/07/1896

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  1. I've seen admins and mods with my own eyes use cheats and aim assists and they got slaps on the wrists. I think 3 months is a fair ban and if he does it again then a perm. I don't understand why the admins and mods go straight for perms when arma 3 is in a decline and the less players playing the less the server will be popular. I can understand perms for scripting and someone duping a ton of shit and selling it. But people make mistakes and i feel like this dudes learned from this. I vote unban.
  2. DM me for prices, Both houses are Listed on Realtor. Hmu if you want me to help you find a house. Kalithea 3c: Recordings & Screenshots Recordings & Screenshots Recordings & Screenshots DP 17 3c: Recordings & Screenshots Recordings & Screenshots Recordings & Screenshots
  3. @ Pseudonym You need to get something bigger than .22 lol I'm saving up for a ruger sniper thats 7.62 and bright red. i can't wait
  4. i literally let this one go lol. i had it up on the realtor for a month for 4 mill
  5. Both are listed at the Realtor. 4c: Recordings & Screenshots Recordings & Screenshots 3c: Recordings & Screenshots Recordings & Screenshots
  6. I have a weedpro 4 crater listed, Dp 9 4 crater listed and a dp 14 3 crater listed. All full upgraded. I used to have a nice layout i'd do and show pictures but someone removed the 500mb size files space and replaced them with 300kb file space so i cant even upload screenshots!
  7. Whats your budget? I might be able to help.
  8. I want to sell my Abdera Garage for 2.5 mill, I listed it at the Realtor.
  9. Buddy listed a 3 crater in DP 22, and 2 2 craters in DP 24 as well as a garage. Check Realtor for those, The Garages do not show on Realtor for some reason so here is the garages location to buy.(Literally down the street from realtor) These houses and one garage wont last long! Buy Now! Garage DP 24- Dp 24 House #1- DP 24 House #2-
  10. Uranus is often referred to as an “ice giant”
  11. @Poon Send me a vid of your POV. Maybe I’m in the wrong but from my POV it looked intentional
  12. skip to the last 30 seconds
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