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About Bloodsport

  • Birthday 03/10/2004

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  1. still a cutie
  2. o7 brudda I’m sure the freaks that play Olympus still will miss you come play with me on some actually good games g, stay safe irl glad you’re one of the kids that didn’t change up On me in Olympus you’re the real homie stay safe amd good luck with real life and the shitty exams you gotta do fuck Olympus u a homie tho caloom I’m glad I met you on this dogshit sever acc made it fun
  3. g plat siege so much better then a dead game <33
  4. would carry you so hard g im global with hacks g
  5. +3 sort this caloom kid with his suggestion big up my guy, nah for real would increase pop most people leave cuz money reasons i agree +1 +1 p.s shut up u fat retard caloom ur a brain dead idiot
  6. Sorry my lovely have a good one will miss you bby Stay safe mate will always respect you brother my Guy
  7. Hush b Love you Rafa Safe G stay safe my guy good luck on the grind GG b
  8. Will never forget you bby I wrote it kinda fast Didn’t @ me in yours pussy, o7 idiot the enterprise will never be the same. Stay safe buddy your one of the guys I can happly say never changed up on me
  9. Forgot your @ your a seriously chill guy thanks for helping me on the Corp grind my guy
  10. Good luck man stay safe Stay safe mate Stay safe sexy The power is in your hands do your worst cheers for being a legend Bye cutie x Stay safe best Corp* I think you mean your welcome for flying you around stay safe mate
  11. Safe, no hate just jokes
  12. opitunity btw yikes later man good luck with the sever and will keep it in mind stay safe only in 2018
  13. stay safe man
  14. Time has come to leave this dying shit game and this toxic sever, Real life has come around as it does and time to put down the game and get in the real world, thank you for everyone that i met ill do tags and reasons below, been a blast the last 4 years but getting older and gaming has to come to an end. first off @m o n s t e r The TACS days where prime olympus, cheers for making me understand this shit game blame my addiction on you. @Mudiwa your an ugly fuck hurry up and get off restrictions will never forget are days in umbrella you seriously need to get of this shit game as well. @CaloomClark thank fuck i had you for my corp grid otherwise that shit would have been so boring made that shit so fun and actually funny will always appreciate you , cop o7 was fun fuck @ABC for cutting it short, ill get on every other year to come clap you don't worry hope you find it in you to get of this shit game soon aswell cheers boi @SuWooP thanks for civ council that was actually enjoyable enjoyed it while it lasted, the free war points where great and the BWs and FEDs where fun good luck with head. @Noahhh! enjoyed when i was in nobel is was good back then early nobel was the best now its turned into a shit show but good luck with that congrats on mod you do way to much for this community. @Roo your a great guy will always like you never changed like the other nobel rats get of this game and go travel the world. you will get rank 5 one day dw. @Soulz thank you for believing in me i told you i would get corp hours do do something youll get sgt one day boss. @ThatNerdyGuy thanks for the corp test fuck keeping up with the APD rules for round 2 keep up ur shit tages only good montages that are realised nowadays @Cooper:P fuck you, got ripped from corp before you could get me ripped b. stop being so up tight about a game u where chill when we first met you now just a rat deal with it. being a cunt wont get your sgt boss. @rabid it was just a boat patrol fuck you for that warning stop simping for @Mita or you'll catch fake a case also a fat fuck @Mason Harrison your a sad fuck for still playing this game thanks for the BWs and FEDs you did they where fun, you need to leave this gying game soon tho buddy @Monks you'll get corp one day buddy your the only person that has an excuses to play this game you young ling @Venoooom youll get corp one day aswell buddy good luck thanks for being there when there was 7 people on the sever during my corp grind GGs to you. @PanDa1771 got corp the same time fuck you desvered that shit dont get globaled again @eknjack Btec caloom whenever i get on im blowing up your gangshed @Diamond_drop your cute deal with it. @Jig next time you get 50mil+ don't fucking bet it all away idiot @Tech casino is a scam hit me up when dealer don't hit on 18 and get 21, also go get staff sgt idiot, your a funny guy. @Kedar im the best support team member you never had buddy. also fuck you i did so many support cases so fuck your afk support members and shout out to my homies who never snitched. but you could be nice sometimes so thanks weirdo. @Bruhar hit me up when you get corp ill buy some types :0 @Biggs your montage made me get into arma so shutout to you even tho it was shit you will get better one day enigma your the best hacker the sever sever never can keep away keep up with your great work- for admin purposes sad we never met in game :(( @GoBoom im finally getting of this shit game proud? corp isnt worth it don't worry buddy. @ivy fuck you for raping my guy boom in a van no one is going to simp for you u ugly twat. @decla following in ur footsteps thanks for the corp rec btw ill come frag you on ANZUS some day @Sho-Time all my homies hate the fool that you you banned thank fuck that i got to playwith you before i left your a chill guy. @CHAZ 2.0 how the fuck are you not corp yet wtf, one day my guy on day im 90% sure your getting corp in real lide before you get it in arma tho so sorry buddy thanks for the fun times btw ur girlfriend is fit tell her to hmu. @Skys ur a shit player hope one day you will get good enough to actully do a pharma @Poon fuck you for becoming a toxic noble rat we where chill @destruct thanks for letting me dupe and role around mk1 taser rpg and 5 rockets with t5 and pilot covs for 3 mouths and then thanks @Ryan for un banning me after 2 mouths btw @Hurricane fuck you for cutting my o7 short u ugly man @Page the OG days when we played and i was shit at the game where he best i knew you used esp btw :)) @Nemnock stop gambling and spend ur money on hawks idiot @Goodman thanks for letting me afk hours on cop in ur hawk as ' quick response unit easiest 100 hours of PO while watching Netflix ;)) @Brolaf hope you get sgt some day cutie @buckie thank fuck you randomly joined my team speak channel at 3am and made me laugh all the time on my cop grind ur a legend if i forgot you tell me i wrote this kinda fast ill add you and ill say something nice maybe, o7 idiots its been good but its also been so shit fuck any admin who has banned me 90% of you removed my ban so get fucked . later looser maybe ill pop on very now and then to shit on u thanks fuck this is over.
  15. Bloodsport


    o7 b
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