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Everything posted by jacbryan

  1. Hello this is going to be my final post on this god forsaken shit stain of a server. To be proud to be a dev on here is like being proud to be a McDonald's employee. I've given up all hope for this server its gone completely down hill ever since hunting grounds was removed and at this point I believe the sever is unfixable. You have Zerg gangs with 10+ members that have unlimited funds because they have admins in there gang to spawn shit in for them. You have Cops with sniper tasers that are shooting at you from 500m out with mar10 tasers and then have their deputy skats to come swarm you to restrain you. And if you wanna become a cop on the server have fun sitting in support constantly and sucking off higher up cops to progress the ranks. Tip if you wanna progress in the ranks quick be a chick and give your nudes to the higher ups it works every time half of them haven't seen a fully naked women IRL in there life. You also get constantly rolled up on while doing any form of run from illegal to legal your prolly getting rolled up on by a Zerg gang or cops to steal your suv worth of glass or drug like some bozo skats. There is almost no roleplay anymore and you have to constantly record for the inevitable RDM,VDM, or whatever else is thrown at you. You are pretty much forced to join a gang of some sort to experience the game for what it is. At this point the only way I feel that the server could redeem its self is if we had Money wipes every 4 months or so, made shit on the sever cheaper so you actually use the stuff instead of looking at it in rebel menu wishing you had enough money to get it, and should remove all forms of tasers and just make them actual guns that kill you instead of making me talk to a virgin cop that refuses most of the time for my trial by combat. The server is made for the high tier gangs and is takes a fat steamy shit for any new players or small groups trying to have some fun. Also how do you downgrade from 3 servers to just 1 and then have constant server lag and crashes and cool we have conquest better have 3mil per gang member to even think about joining in on it just to get shit on by admin zerg gangs or Swat. Had some great memories on the sever but until big changes happen I think ill just wait until arma 4 comes out in 2030. Peace out olympus may you rest in piss. o7 RESPECT to all the medics on the server tho only humble people on the server that were cool. Also fuck all vigis ya'll homo.
  2. Hello so my original post had gotten taken down but you guessed it a stinky grease monkey admin because he doesn't want dis heat. Its okay tho if I was over 300 pounds and living at my parents house, surviving off of whatever mommy brings into my cum dungeon id prolly be a little upset too. So my request is still valid for anyone still trying to fight in the Philadelphia area but unfortunely I wont be able to compensate you with Arma Money because that goes against EULA but we could work something out like after the match we can all go to McDonalds or I gift ya'll wit whatever hot pockets you'd prefer. DM me if you are interested in fighting me and are close in my area (Biking distance of my crib). Hopefully this won't get taken down again and I will get some participants. Will be taking tiny break from the server to do DoorDashing on my bike and focus on Minecraft speed running and my UFC career. Thanks and hopefully we will meet soon so I can whoop some Retard admin ass.
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