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Heinz Gormittz

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Everything posted by Heinz Gormittz

  1. Im on Server 1 on and off throughout the day.
  2. Just so all participants know, Heinz's Securities & Equities will be hosting a betting system on these gang wars. This is the first time I am attempting this, so the system is rather simple: 1. Each participating person can bet on any gang winning. 2. There is no limit to the size of the bet 3. If your gang wins, whatever you bet will be doubled. I thought this would add a good feature to gang wars and allow gangs to put their money where their mouth is.
  3. There goes my dreams of owning a gangshed. Thanks for the replies.
  4. Hello everyone. You may have seen me ask this before, but I really need a thorough answer to this question: 1. What is the price of a gang warehouse? 2. What is the upkeep cost? 3. what are the available upgrades? 4. what is the max storage space? 5. what is the cost for each storage upgrade? I am planning on starting a new business apart from my brokerage service that will require me to start an excel spreadsheet to calculate the expenses involved. Thank you for your time in answering these. While I'm here, I was also wondering: is it possible to delete a forum post, and if so- how? As a sort of neat freak, I don't want to have too many posts cluttering my profile.
  5. Winning Lottery Ticket #8646- Owner of ticket is DB DinglePooper who has won 123.5K in this month's Lottery. 

    If Anyone wishes to buy lottery tickets, or invest in stocks, commodities, or currencies with their Altis money, please contact Heinz Gormittz.

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      FeelsFuckkingBad 45k before i put 65k in feelsbad

    2. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Yell at Dingle and tell him to give you your money back.


  6. Lottery Tickets will be drawn today for all those who have bought them from me. 

  7. Lottery Tickets will be drawn today for all those who have bought them from me. If you wish to buy tickets from Heinz Gormittz, he will be on server 1 until the tickets are drawn. I have Excel set up to randomly generate ticket numbers for people who buy them. The whole process is completely random. Pot is currently at 110K, but is expected to go up as until drawings occur. This lottery is currently a repeating process. A person can buy tickets at any time- drawings are every second Saturday of the month.
  8. Obviously I own side chat... I mean I advertise every 10 minutes.
  9. how do I contact an APD higher up? cops just raided my house against APD Handbook rules.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      On top of all this, BigSmoke's argument does NOT actually apply to my situation. If you would actually read the rules carefully, you would find that the one he quoted does not allow for the APD to search my house. Here is why:


      1. Search Warrants allow officers to enter a premises in order to capture suspects and search the premises for contraband.


      At first glance this would allow officers to raid my house. "...suspects and search..." Because of the word AND they are not allowed to search my house solely for contraband. They can only enter my house capture me, THEN search for contraband.

    3. bigSMOKE


      Heinz, trust me on this one, they had probable cause to enter your home and search it for the contraband. Like it or not nothing will be done because what they did was completely okay.

    4. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Thanks go to OutCast for notifying me that I should look upwards on the APD rulebook page. As I said, no where under Chapter 9 can a cop search your house on the basis that he saw you with a gun and thought you stored it in the house. However, Chapter 8 under search and seizure does state that if an officer witnesses it is allowed. I personally thing this part of chapter 8 should be merged with chapter 9, but this is irrelevant. 

      This is why I am not submitting to an APD hire up. it was only 3.3M anyways <_<

  10. Can you guys do an update that allows you to sell resources UNPROCESSED for say like half the price? It would be really good for the new players who need as little risk exposure as possible to get their $ built up.
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