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Fin McCool

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About Fin McCool

Legacy VIP

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  • Location
    New Orleans, La

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Old Vet happy to be back! 

    1. SPBojo


      Wait, you mean to tell me your not dead?.... dam, missed you bud!

  2. Things are changing daily Bojo! The newest update is going to be great. We are getting some economy stabilization implementations, buffs to fishing and Tuna is being added to the virtual economy! The server is getting so flippin big. We are hands down the second biggest American based server in Altis Life. The servers are staying pretty populated all hours of the night lately. Most of the older players are fading away into other servers or out of Arma it seems. Just like any game though things change you cant expect everyone to stay around forever. The devs and admins are hard at work keeping things fresh and interesting as always. Come back sometime and hang. You'll enjoy the changes.. when RL permits of course.. we all need a break sometimes. I've been playing "the Hunter" awesome solo game! Peace Bud!
  3. I'm Still running a GTX 670 and it smokes everything I throw at it on high graphics. You'll be fine with anything you listed. Just remember two months after you but it, its gonna cost 150 less and another one will be better lol
  4. New Orleans Police 10 years... and counting lol
  5. Lets see, I'm almost 600 hours into ARMA 3.. most of it on Olympus lol I still play Ultima Online.... yeah it dates me, but I was a beta tester my freshman year of college. I have 17 years in that game off and on. I play some Star Wars Online, Planetside 2, Goat Simulator! DayZ sometimes. Diablo 3 most all the Blizz games. I don't mess with consoles much since my little girl hit 5, now she knows how to use Netflix so the tele is off limits 99.99999% of the time. My Xbox One has about an inch of dust ; (
  6. I've been playing a few weeks here and met some great people so I decided to up root from Asylum and move here[break1][/break1] I enjoy the RP and the server community is amazing[break1][/break1] I love all the characters that make up this server[break1][/break1] The Rebels doing snatch and runs for hostage rp is awesome, the Cops do run things where they are around, and for the most part the RDM is a minimum compared to most places[break1][/break1] I look forward to playing here and If anyone wants to team up for anything look me up in game[break1][/break1] Im also looking to join an active clan[break1][/break1] I'd be happy to change my RP or play style to fit a fun clan[break1][/break1] Yes my name is from an awesome Irish Pub in New Orleans, Louisiana USA! Peace Out! Fin McCool
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