Cops will see a red name and notification on players if they are restrained and require dopamine Admins can spawn Zamak, Hemmt and Tempest Fuel Admins can spawn both Cargo & Transport Vans When you are killed and respawn, you'll have an NLR marker on the map showing the area's radius you cannot return to Ability to flip vehicles which you have keys to, regardless of if you own it or not Slim Jim's, cops will now be able to unlock a car to move it When a civilian is killed by another civilian epi-pen timers will be until server restart Escort Mission Cops get paid out more if the faster they end the mission Civs get paid more the further they take the vehicle 20 minute cooldown once the mission is ended Each dropoff location pays out a different percentage (as defined on the markers) The closest one is a 85% payout The middle point one is 100% payout The furthest point is 120% payout Earplugs will be inserted after being revived if you had them in before Medics can kick restrained players in the balls War Points can be viewed on the stats page in the y-menu. War Points will update 15 mins from the last time you opened the stats page. Changed:
Unlawful taser charge is now $30k Hellcat is now $300k, Hummingbird is now $250k and M900 is now $150k Medics now longer have a cap on dopamine crate earnings Dopamine crate makers will only show for Medics & Civilians when it is dropped Anyone can unflip a car as long as they have keys now When medics purchase an aircraft they will no longer spawn on the roof Admin menu keys & island buttons moved up Admin menu restart buttons now ask you to confirm Cops can enter any illegal vehicle that they use slim-jim's on apart from the Ghosthawk & Armed Huron Modified the number of gold bars generated during a Federal Event to be more consistent Only one person at a time can access a briefcase or bag Y-inventory is now all contained in one briefcase on death or one bag on rob Y-inventory will now last 15 minutes before disappearing when robbed or on death Physical items dropped will last 15 minutes before disappearing Fixed:
Spelling when giving compensation to a player which doesn't exist Spelling when giving dopamine notification if buddy is out of range Spelling for critical condition message (when epi-penned) Issues relating to medic air garage and shop fixed Medic Search and Resuce uniform renamed Vigilantes can now rob uniforms off of other players Gear that is stripped off a player will now spawn closer to the robber more frequently Deposit all and deposit will now work for values greater than $999,999 Earplugs will now stay in when you are unrestrained (if you had them in before you was restrained (this really bugged me before)) Removed:
Admin menu lock/unlock buttons removed (wasn't used, ever) Admin menu lock/unlock script removed Cops all access key for civilian vehicles Cash, bloodbag, redgull, water, and tac bacon models have been removed if present on the player on death