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Everything posted by Instantmac

  1. You better do it. This man will dunk you in a vat of tapatio.
  2. If I recall correctly Poseidon sold it to Mcdili and now Poseidon is running Asylum.
  3. Hell yeah. Fill up the office building with hostages.
  4. They killed you once with no verbal or text engagement. The video alone will get them banned. You don't have to go back to the "scene of the crime" to get them banned. Medics are allowed to return because they have a job to revive people and preventing them from returning will make players bleed out.
  5. I understand why you did it but context is irrelevant. You broke the NLR rule. If you don't agree with it you can try to get it changed through the right means.
  6. With all due respect, you broke NLR twice and even said you were going to. I don't know what you expected. Players get dealt with when evidence is submitted and you did so by submitting the video. It doesn't give you a free pass for knowingly breaking a rule.
  7. Do I agree with people reporting people for a simple break of NLR to get out of the city? Not really. But you have 3 other options to re-spawn to. The NLR rule is there for a reason to prevent people from going back for revenge (not saying you intended to do that but it happens) and like @codeYeTi said it's a consequence for being killed regardless of how it happened.
  8. So in one week you've been or are getting banned twice. If you were just trying to get out of there, why not just re-spawn in one of the other 3 cities? I'm not trying to be a dick, but it sounds like you know the rules but you don't care or don't think they apply to you. What's stopping people from breaking NLR and always saying "I wAs JuSt TrYiNg tO lEaVe ThE cItY!!1! I sHoUlDnT gEt In TrOuBlE!" It's bad enough to have squeakers going around RDM'ing people. I want people to have fun with the game but there are rules. If you don't like them, there are ways to go about getting them changed.
  9. So you broke a rule after being killed by an enemy gang member that you're at war with knowing they can KOS without engagement ... and you're mad about it? You get those texts because it gets abused with people spawning right back to try to get revenge. I'm all for blasting people away and robbing people, but at least follow the few rules the server has. Also, openingly admitting to breaking a server rule. Yikes.
  10. Looking for a garage in DP 22 on server 3.
  11. I was there last night. Got a lil too close. Good times.
  12. They should have the same process as cops: give people a chance to pay their bounty and GTFO instead of getting forced to go to jail. And if you want to cut down on vigi's robbing people, they shouldn't have access to pay their bounty at the court house. They should have to explain their charges to a cop and lose a vigi tier.
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