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Everything posted by nacho

  1. i might be interested in the pilot covs if you can bulk discount
  2. +1 to inky for dat landing -1 to pink for not shooting you in the face after
  3. I had to check the ending and sure enough people started shooting at you as soon as you got to kavala Made me proud
  4. 1. Whats wrong with the game? (not just the economy, but rules, players, attitudes, police) 2. Is an economy wipe needed? (full or partial?) 3. How can the economy be adjusted? (Decreased drug prices, Increased drug weight, cops getting less ticket percentages) 4. Are rules changes starting to screw up Roleplay? (Text ** hands up: mohammad bin ack del shar... OH WAIT YOU DIDNT PUT THE DASH FAIL KIDNAPPING!) 5. How are you ever supposed to take over a police station when you need to give the cops 5 minute warning not to spawn there?
  5. Look... here is my thought out response to all of this: I am sure this has been debated 100 times and all points have been considered but I have to ask: What are you hoping to accomplish? Fix the game Re-balance the economy? OK great, cut drug prices by 50%, double the cost of vehicles, reduce cop ticket prices by 75% (so cops dont get insta-rich) What will need to be wiped? All player money, player vehicles, clean out player house inventories (do not remove existing home ownership as that is just unfair) What will this accomplish? It will turn playing into more of a grind like a traditional MMO where you will need to play on a work vs reward system. Donors will be extremely rewarded as 4-5 times standard player income will be a huge tactical advantage in the first month. What is the end result? Players will be forced to form together into larger gangs. Smaller groups of people will be hunted down and cannibalized. The server will be much more predatory than it already is. What is the heart of the problem? Things went upside down when increased vehicle storage hit the server. Do we need to address upgraded vehicle storage directly or indirectly through drug weight and prices? Maybe. I think besides cops just blowing the economy up (1 asshole with a rook can generate like 500k+ in cop money) increased vehicle storage is the point when the economy went nuts as 1 guy in an upgraded hummingbird could pull down $1.2 million in moonshine in under an hour solo. I am trying to think of a real solution, but I cant. Leave vehicles in maybe? Make them more expensive to take out? Remove the ability to chop certain vehicles? This would give starting/middle income players less risk to reward ratio. Here is my personal movie of the week story: I would spend 2 hours every morning running drugs. I would do small hatchback runs from fields to my store houses until they were full. I would then do small hatchback runs from my component houses to the processor. I would store all the processed drugs in a separate house in case cops or rebels followed me. Then I would make small runs with the processed drugs to the drug dealer. Never return to the same place more than twice. I did a lot of crystal meth because it was safe as compared to the other drugs. I would have to grind for 2 hours doing that to raise enough safety money to go rebel at night. Is that how most people approach this game? No, but its how you succeed. Do we want a risk vs reward model? Or a time = reward model? This is just my thought dump, i am sure people here are smarter than me and have figured this all out.
  6. Is it bad that I remember when kids used to just rick-roll each other all day? For example... start a thread in the player reports PROOF VIRUS AND TOEKNEE USE HACKS! CLICK VIDEO FOR EVIDENCE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  7. I have pictures of moob with a pdw and gangbanger gear... It happened IMHO a complete wipe would kind of be punishing people who have stuck with this server for 6+ months while rewarding the kavala trolls who just rdm people and complain they can't compete with gangs If you guys are going to do a partial wipe (money, gear, housing, vehicle) then please pick one with a specific purpose to solve a specific problem
  8. Gator
  9. So last night we decided to do some serious drinking and rob some gas stations (dont ask) which led to an interesting RDM/Cop question. If cops are rolling up to a gas station and you can HEAR THEIR SIRENS 1km out... if they turn their sirens off 500 meters out, do you have to re-engage RP with them before lighting their car up like a Christmas tree? Apparently Gas Stations being robbed do not count as red zones anymore and some of the officers last night were having a tough day
  10. I believe all the garages are damaged in server 19 and not usable If I am wrong please correct me
  11. Restrict this so it can only be used in prison or else kavala will turn into UFC
  12. Best Shot: ToeKnee for every day murder, Rusted Corpse when you need to hit a cop at 862 meters. Best Driver: Armend... as long as he doesnt have a chubby redhead in passenger seat, Nacho for outrunning cops Best Heli Pilot: Ollie... flying 3 meters off the ground and bumping police cars... Void for combat landings Best Officer: HamofMoose for RP, McDilli for the $1.99 Walmart ground chuck comments Best R&R: Hades... oh! Money! I'm rich! Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Scooter or Moose... Poaching Cops from their Kavala Doorstep Best RP'r: Corp_Moob... Black Gay Irishmen are like unicorns! They are endangered! Dont shoot him! Most Tactical: Gator... when he is sober. Stealth when Gator is drunk. Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Jonas... Transfer him $500k, Taser him, Log off... Best 12 year old temper tantrum ever Most Reliable: Tommy (Tomoya). What? 6am low profile daily Coke Run? Let me bring a hemtt and a zuber! Most Dedicated Players: To all who were involved in the 3 ghosthawk night. We never topped that. MVP: Wheatkings... when we realized he kept pulling Ghosthawks out just to keep us entertained. Thank you for making the game fun.
  13. This might seem like an odd time to bring this up but when you are in kavala and a taru or chinook is hovering in object range does anyone else lose like 90% of their normal fps? All the old choppers don't seem to provoke this response
  14. 60% of the time it works every time First thing that came to mind Also change your name to squall attorney at law
  15. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/12/04/this-painful-sporting-event-is-so-difficult-lance-armstrong-didnt-make-the-cut-its-not-what-you-expect/ Gator BY FAR would break the 6 minute mile mark
  16. We have a few of the phantoms at the office for tower inspection but the camera is eh. Get the stock ones and put a gopro on it if you are looking for quality They have come down in price a lot http://www.amazon.com/DJI-Phantom-Aerial-Drone-Quadcopter/dp/B00AGOSQI8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417799986&sr=8-1&keywords=dji+phantom
  17. According to several popular Arma3 streamers they got a pretty nasty cease and desist letter from Bohemia Their lead programer left the project and Bohemia took offense to the stolen code and the $30 application fee Not sure what the future holds for the project, but you might want to google it
  18. I dont have a screen shot, but basically Weed Field moves about 1km north to the side of a mountain, Cow manure field moves from East of Sofia to dp23, and gang hideout 3 explodes. Not sure if there were any more significant changes.
  19. I'm too old, too tired and too married to sugar coat this so please excuse my bluntness Bang her best friend. Put some work into it, turn on the charm, use this situation as a gateway to talk to her about your girlfriend hanging with this other guy, and then close the deal. Make sure she wears your jacket afterwards and parades it infront of your quasi girlfriend As soon as she understands someone else finds you desire able she will not treat you like a ladder to climb on to get to something better. Women are competitive, they will do this naturally. Please understand at that age most girls so not respond well to logic or reason. Actions speak louder than words. Do not try to explain yourself and just let your actions speak for themselves 80% chance she apologetically comes back to you If her friend is better in bed stick with the friend
  20. For roleplay purposes only, can the APD please be allowed to use TITANS now?
  21. I know there is a large group of Texans here so sound off. January is just around the corner
  22. I just want to add my experience to this thread.... some cops are reasonable A few days ago I had just spawned my vehicle in kavala square and started to move forward 10 feet before someone jumped infront of me and died Great, vehicular manslaughter... 10k I got out of the vehicle and the cop was there instantly. I explained to him what happened and he was being a typical hardass talking about how it was no excuse until the victim walked up to the cop and explained it was an accident Cop reduced my fine to $100 for donut money and called it a day. Not a bad way to handle the situation IMHO
  23. I find myself immediately locking the doors to my vehicle whenever I get in or out I never used to do that until I started playing this damn game *edit* Things
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