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Everything posted by Wired1234

  1. if you say so bud
  2. APD have to much freedom to do whatever they want simple as that...they were responding to a roobery n progress and then said fuck it lets get this guy instead what part iof that do you not understand.....cops in RL arnt even allowed to do this lol they have to respond to their call out. i had a cop in RL come to my house to serve a warrant....i had plants growing in my kitchen guess what? they couldnt do shit about my plants cause thats not what they were there for. and all you APD need to seriously sftu all your doing is backing up your other APD members.... so stop with the comments of BS. your all corrupted and you know it. your all out for the money and not to actuallly make altis a safe place to do anything legal. APD = GANG of people who jack drug runners unless your a cadet and theres no higher ranks up then you have to patrol kavala lol.... APD dosnt make altis a safer place for neone....never see a cop station at athira or pygros or sofia unless they are trying to catch drug runners lol. so civs are getting robbed constantly,trucks stolen, killed, taken hostage for no reason other than the amusement of the person who is not the hostage. ya i bet he was a friend of yours or in your gang.....or another off duty cop lol
  3. they wernt patrolling the area they came to a robbery in progress and said fuck that lets get the guy at meth lab....plain and simple and im pretty sure they are not allowed to do that......pretty sure they had to go to the robbery they were responding to.....
  4. well if thats that case and somthing is actually going to get done to help civs that would be more than welcome cause why am i runnning meth? cause its safer than a cement run or sand run or anything legal.
  5. your an APD member of course thats all your going to say lol...same as al the otehr APD members here saying the same thing...i really dont care what you all think....cops are bad on the servers...thats all there is to it...bad people in a group = gang.... why bother having cops at all? should just change the name to ATF and have them keep doing what they do...i mean it would def be a more realistic title. and maybe actually have a cop group who actually repond to people in distress?
  6. of course all the APd members arte gonna back up thier gang memebers....i would to if somone was calling out my gang lol its funny you say that casue ive never seen the APd respond to a civ in distress while being attacked or having all thier shit stolen at cememnt trader or rock mixing....APD dont respond to people requests for help...which should be their primary job dont you think?........catching people running drugs is literally all they do cause its the most profitable. they dont care about RP and they def dont care about what happens to civs on the server....all my gang memebers who play cop just play for the money thats it and it fucking sad. you wanna play as a cop? maybe actually play as a cop cause ive never seen regular cops in RL go raid drug feilds only ATF do that shit. and befior you say well "this isnt real life" ....of course its not but isnt an RP server supposed to match RL is some ways at least.....
  7. either way....cops didnt come to meth they came to the robbery to stop it saw me and came for me instead...thats not very cop like for an RP server they specifically said they were going to let me go and go to the robbery. rotor tapping if not agaisnt the rules shoiuld be cause they attemped a rotor tap befor they blew up and banned my friend cause he "VDM" the heli cause it blew up.......
  8. and responding in this manner is not called for as you are an admin and held to a higher standard...called me salty and saying that its just BLA BLA BLA is pretty unprofessional for and admin. just sayin. i know you guys have alot to deal with as admins but dont take your frustration out on someone whos posting something that they feel is legitimate. and somone already commented about the apd gang thing and pretty much admitted that that is what it is lol
  9. if they were fucking with me why did the one cop get so pissed about it? "this is fucking bullshit" was the comment he made lol
  10. thats all well and good. not the point of this video..........your missing the big picture if all you did is watch 30 secs of the video you shouldnt have watched any of it
  11. ya greater money...the only reason they came to me instead...not supposed to be about the money when your a cop or medic
  12. its fine if people wanna dis me i dont mind "altho its kinda cancerous" but im making a legit point here and somthing needs to done about how the ADP operate....just right now they are just a gang using gang tactics and thats it....altis aint safe cause there there, the ADP is just one more group you have to watch out for and it shoudlnt be that way so hate on my skills all you want i was taken by surprise and greatly outnumbered and encumbered also no rp here just on cops side just rude comments....that dosnt = RP
  13. so i was at meth lab trying to make some money when a gas station robbery was attempted as i was in the middle of processing....this is what happened the entire ADP is just a gang like any other with special abilities which allow them to seize your vehicle "grefing you" keep all the contraband for themselves "dont need to go to drug dealer", and if you ask for help from the ADP if your getting robbed noone will come....so if you try and do legal things to make money other gangs will rob you and if you try to do illegal things ADP will rob you.....in this video they are responding to a gas station robbery but because busting a guy at meth will net them more money they decide to come for me instead. there is no such thing as "To SERVE and PROTECT" with the ADP its just lets check all the drug areas all day every 10 mins cause were allowed to....you never see them flying or coming to legal areas that people get jacked at most to make sure things are ok there. the whole police for is corrupt as fuck and this video proves it....notice the new adp officer get really mad when they were going to let me go.....he was mad because he wasn't gonna get as much money from it...but they decided not to let me go and process me neways eve after they said i was innocent and were going to let me go.
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