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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I like grumpy old men
  2. "FRAAAGGGGG OUT!!" you have made me laugh soooo hard over my time on olympus. I will always remember the funny moments in our stream where the ghost of Hades created chaos. Thanks for the laughs and good luck with everything. Don't be a stranger
  3. hehe, I've seen Pink as best driver for a couple of ones...makes me giggle inside like a little schoolgirl...hehehehe....love ya Pink
  4. Good Luck and for the record loaded mash potatoes are the best come pop in the stream anytime...you kill on those bank heists
  5. That's all fine and dandy, but I demand Snoopdog to be removed, and the hot chick to return @lovemashpotatoes
  6. Say it ain't so my dear fluffywolf.... good luck and don't be a stranger, come say hi to me on stream!!! I will miss you.
  7. I love seeing Pringle's comments...oh wait, does he even make any...#lovinghotwomen kisses!!
  8. I feel really bad that some of you girls are dealing with harassment. I guess I have been fortunate because so far besides the OMG you are a girl comment I haven't dealt with any issues of being hugely disrespected. Yeah you get the rude comment here and there, but I see guys deal with the same issues. I run with a great group of guys and even in the hostage situations where I'm the one guarding the hostage, the guys who are captive have been always super funny with me and we have a blast. I do have a bunch of guys follow me around Kavala if I'm in troll city, but I usually turn it around, and get them to do my bidding...like get me out of handcuffs Anyways I enjoy knowing there are other girls who play and I love running into LadyIcarus, Queen, and even had a great run in with Shelby escorting her out of trouble hehe. I hope you girls don't get discourage, but I guess the best thing to do is to submit tickets. No one deserves to be called offensive things, so the boys doing it, come on it's a game, be nice
  9. Paw has played with us several times sooooo...welcome back theycallmepaw also known as the Godfather!! good times, good times....hey paw I could use my 16million back
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