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Everything posted by Jessy

  1. 4500 wps or 60 mil 7 jeeps and 3 offroads most r insured
  2. Jessy

    2 zafs

    i'm Jessy and I approve this message
  3. I love the apd impound idea but i feel like since the art gallery was meant to be appealing and worth doing by smaller gangs it would be nice to get anything from a hunter to an armed quilin anything better than that will get roach by crazy amount of cops or other gangs. Just regulate the # of cops allowed to push and add a fair timer and i think thatd be a great event for smaller gangs helping em to get their hands on illegal vics. Frits hmg, quilin minigun if lucky and big gangs would still do it to add cars in their gang garage or wathever. I love the apd impound idea but i feel like since the art gallery was meant to be appealing and worth doing by smaller gangs it would be nice to get anything from a hunter to an armed quilin anything better than that will get roach by crazy amount of cops or other gangs. Just regulate the # of cops allowed to push and add a fair timer and i think thatd be a great event for smaller gangs helping em to get their hands on illegal vics. Frits hmg, quilin minigun if lucky and big gangs would still do it to add cars in their gang garage or wathever. JJust dd a 30 min cooldown after each succesful robbery to prevent Large group from farming hella vics all in all i think it would be better than art gallery as the worst loot u could get is still better than a 250k painting and it would be more fun to do as ud still have to secure and claim the vehicule which includes fighting after the event not only driving 2 minutes to a painting dealer thats not even marked for other people to counter.
  4. Someone buy my shit gotta buy wps
  5. No only got 6.5 supps, titan launchers and BW mags left
  6. Rpg (8) 1.1m e Rpg rockets (15) 150k e titan launcher (12) 250k e titan rockets (3) 150k e 5.8 sup (4) 450k e 9mm sup (1) 75k stealth 6.5 (5) 750k e 6.5 sup (3) 750k e 556 sup (3) 450k e 7.62 sup (1) 2.75m T5 vest (2) 500k e T4 vest (4) 350k e pilot covs (16) 150k e BW mags (18) 300k e MAR-10 mags (20) 75k e MK1 tasers (8) 1m e pistol taser (4) 50k e ENVG (1) 6m Stones (34) 25k e
  7. Taking a break selling some shit Rpg (8) 1.1m e Rpg rockets (15) 150k e titan launcher (12) 250k e titan rockets (3) 150k e 5.8 sup (4) 450k e 9mm sup (1) 75k stealth 6.5 (5) 750k e 6.5 sup (3) 750k e 556 sup (3) 450k e 7.62 sup (1) 2.75m T5 vest (4) 500k e T5 helmet (2) 500k e T4 vest (4) 350k e pilot covs (16) 150k e BW mags (18) 300k e MAR-10 mags (20) 75k e MK1 tasers (8) 1m e type taser (1) 700k ak-12 taser (1) 2m MX tasers (24) 250k e mk18 taser (1) 1m pistol taser (4) 50k e ENVG (1) 6m Stones (38) 25k e Before anyone ask, im keeping the ATs and wps
  8. List wut u got and prices
  9. whatever is gonna be best offer just need slots
  10. https://gyazo.com/8af97b9faa119c0f455f7059b1882e52 https://gyazo.com/42aa826aa2770c7a1313e2cf78db9663 Taking offers $$
  11. Jessy

    WTS warpoints

    8.2m ?
  12. How much
  13. 50mil ?
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