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Metro Boomin

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About Metro Boomin

R&R Medic
  • Birthday October 2

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  1. I read a very small amount of this thread, but most of the staff does not give a fuck about the server anymore, and the one(s) that take tickets are ego tripping monkeys who make up rules. Idc about most of the shit listed, but I'd like to request spangle killing be allowed if there is prior engagement, if you get ran over it's purely a skill issue and you should just not be garbage IMO. And #freegroovy #freenemo and #freebenshap.
  2. You might be a genuine retard, I hope you find a cure. Stop commenting on my post you stalker, or I'll find another fat girl to challenge your position of most hated cattle on the server.
  3. I feel like you have absorbed all of these lines from years of being the most hated loser on our little oly loser island. You and me both know I could give two shits about any attention I get here, I made that post to make fun of nerdy (and all other o7 posts), and any other retard that thinks I'm serious, so congrats for taking the bait and setting the hook for me. Thanks for bumping my post for the 800th time, I know you are a loser 40 year old who can't STAND to not get the last word on a dead forums page of a decade old game's rp server. Maybe we should talk about how many forum posts a day you have averaged for over 4 years? I know you'll be itching to bump your idol's post another time
  4. Sob story? I'm clearing up your lies you moron, I don't give one single fuck about nerdy guy leaving, I just think o7 post are unbelievably corny, it's all just for attention. Speaking of attention seeking, I thought you were done here?? Still starving for attention just like always, go ahead and call me a junkie then play victim when I call your shit out, disgusting habit. "Go away. Nobody cares." I'm sure those phrases are burned into your brain after hearing them god knows how many times. You are the true embodiment of someone who peak in life was so short and so early and you try to grasp on to any semblance of attention you can get, I'll say it once and I'll say it again, you are a sad pathetic person, and you should get help.
  5. I've never broke a rule against you, never comp'd you a dime. All you do is impulsively lie to try and better your position in a role play server, im not a "junkie", I used to drink heavily because of some rough personal things, i'd recommend changing your attitude towards people who have had past struggles in their life, even though it's a video game. I've lost some close friends to substance abuse, and so has this server iirc, call me whatever you want, just don't LIE about my sobriety, I take pride in the effort that I had to put in to pull myself out of a depressing addiction. Another civ council member with a disgusting unwarranted ego. How cool did that make you feel? Too bad it wont make you 50lbs lighter and not piss ugly.
  6. Who is obsessed now? Lmao I wasn't at my pc, ik it's shocking to someone like you, but most of us have a life and responsibilities outside of rp'ing a council role in a decade old game.
  7. You were spam dm'ing people to downvote a rival fat girl over meaningless beef on the internet, it was extremely sad and pathetic. "Grown" woman btw. Now have some respect for my o7 post you cow.
  8. How am I coping? Do you even know what that means? Maybe we finish 8th grade before we start using 9th grade level words bud.
  9. You're so desperate for my attention you make discord alts to try and talk to me, I fr hope you find a life, you've spent a third of your life getting groomed by nazis, seek help rat kid.
  10. Holy moly senior apd child toucher ego'd me, I bet you are soooo good at arma 3.
  11. It's with a mix of nostalgia and excitement that I bid adieu to the vibrant streets and bustling alleys of our beloved Arma 3 Roleplay Server, Olympus. As Metro Boomin, I've roamed these digital landscapes, weaving tales, forging friendships, and leaving a mark that I hope will endure even as I depart. Our time together has been nothing short of extraordinary. From heart-pounding chases through the city to quiet moments of camaraderie in the countryside, each interaction has been a brushstroke in the canvas of our collective adventure. To every fellow player, administrator, and contributor who has made this community what it is, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your creativity, passion, and dedication have transformed Olympus into more than just a serverβ€”it's been a home, a stage, and a playground where memories were made and stories were told. As I set my sights on new horizons, I carry with me the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the memories cherished. Though my journey in Olympus may be coming to a close, the spirit of our shared experiences will continue to inspire me wherever I go. So here's to you, dear Olympus Community. Thank you for the adventures, the laughter, and the countless moments of excitement. May our paths cross again in the vast expanse of digital realms, and may the bonds we've formed here endure the test of time. Farewell, and may your adventures in Olympus continue to be filled with wonder and delight. o7, Metro Boomin I'd like to give a few shout outs to my closest friends as well @ RabidAltLeL i miss you my plump baby boy @ ThatNerdyGuy i know who you are @ monster 74 was a true cinematic masterpiece @ Marcus one of the few convicted felons i really fw @ Grandma Gary shout out to to big GG @ Community Director Sov i love you like the big brother i never had @ silton kick rocks nigga @ Fraali big props to fraali for giving me the attempted rape charge (in-game) that one time, I peaked then. Free groovy @ silver shout out to silver for hooking me up w duped gear all those years @ Pancake i want you tn @ Tammy last but not least, tammy took me in when I was a mere boy, and raised me like his own, nurturing me, allowing me to suckle on his nipple of success, turning me into the man that I am today. I love you pops.
  12. dont fall for it only reason taser prices are so high cuz retards like @ Lezekwill pay 3m for a sting from a certain officer.
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