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Metro Boomin

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About Metro Boomin

R&R Medic
  • Birthday October 2

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  • Olympus Gang
    WOO, GLM, Black Cunts, ESS, SYNERGY, KET
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  1. Shocked that the goat fucker wouldn't show us his broken mangled teeth, what a shame.
  2. How much USD for you to post a picture of yourself?
  3. Every interaction with this bug eater and his group of speds is like a fever dream. Wtf am I reading?? You got staff trolled and comped a good amount... better make a fourm posts about how upset I am...oh wait im not upset, but staff is protecting someone!!! But wait im not upset about it..???? Can we add a elementary school level trivia question on the login screen that you have to answer correctly in order to play the game? @ Milo @ Lucien @ nicole @ Millennium Lets get some sort of iq requirement going i BEG. These bottom feeders plus the turk insects are collectively lowering the playerbase's iq.
  4. @ nicole Are you gonna actually respond to any of this?? I can repost in the VIP section if that helps, I know you don't fw the pooron lowranks of the server..
  5. God bless. I still don't really like you, but I'm glad to see you aren't cool with it either. I imagine nothing will come of it since she is quite far up some important asses. I bet the actual apd players are not stoked to have someone like that near the top of the chain of command who just doesn't give a fuck about the importance of ranks and the time/effort given to achieve them. Y I K E S
  6. I kinda read the status update, not a very easy thing to read we need some debate classes in this bitch. How is @ nicole not demoted/blacklisted for that. I'm a certified APD hater, but that shit seems like a big over step, deleting the status updates is a straight up admission to guilt right? I don't fully understand who nicole gave the whitelists to, but from what i gathered it was someone who was BLACKLISTED?! and some noobs, but I didn't think shit like that was allowed at all unless it's the chief/sr staff's doing. The whole things reeks of a superiority complex. I saw so many comments of nicole just spewing out how much it did for the server and how that makes her better than everyone else? First of all, we've all seen the designs... lets not act like that's grueling work. Second of all, that's such a cancer attitude to have anyway, "I did some positive things for the server so I should get to do whatever I want and play the victim!!!" I don't understand how shit like this happens and no one gets demoted or getting their power stripped until they prove themselves again. We all watched spiderman right?? Great power comes great responsibility or w/e. You would think since you've been on the server from the perspective of the grub, and now the perspective of the one in power, for 100s and 100s of hours on both sides, you would have the decision making skills to know that it's retarded and a spit in the face of the ones who grind for 1000s of hours to never get to experience that. I will say though, i'm not surprised, nicole is a known narcissist and overall just cringe to interact with 80%+ of the time.
  7. I'd wager that 90% of rare vics come from airdrops nowadays. But im just saying that literally no one does it, I bet there are some statistics that back me up too, it's just not popular.
  8. Can someone give me a rundown and what happened in that cancer status update? Something about the creature giving whitelists to friends.
  9. I understand that, but after paying 5mil for the OPTION to buy UNSTACKABLE t4s while not ever being able to really rob legal runs as an ADVANCED REBEL?...(which seems super contradictive to me) I just want the QoL things to work as intended yk. If it was so fun people would do it, i've done it a couple times. It's just the same event copy pasted, start timer, shoot cops, leave.
  10. Silton and Lucien nailed it, it's just super annoying to remember to drop it. It takes up pretty much all the space in 90% of spawn clothes, as a rook/protector enjoyer it is very inconvenient. I guess it was introduced before Y menu FAKs because I can't imagine that the decon would be the choice over Y FAKs. ALSO while I have some attention, is there anyway to fix advanced rebel GPS/Rangefinder not spawning with you when you load in after dying. For example, when im already alive and respawn, it works as intended. But if you are playing as normal and you die, and just log off without respawning, when you load back in and select a spawn, you will NOT spawn with the gps and rangefinder. Ik that is a very niche and probably not important "bug", but it fucks me up so many times because i'd say 80% of my logouts are post death, i imagine that a good chunk of logouts in general are post death as well. @ Milo
  11. No shade to you, you actually care unlike 90% of staff, but the most potentially game changing addition "recently" IMO was scrap and it turned out to be so clunky and overall just not worth the effort. The "new" rebel events like the vic yard and evidence locker might as well be deleted because it's just once again, not worth the effort, might as well do the SAME fed the SAME way for the 1000th time. Let's not forget about the new APD event!! Oh... it's just an escort. Cartels are just afk simulators because of the cancer ass cap time (should be like a conq flag IMO). Runs aren't worth because of the absurd money that 2 rounds of conq outputs, not to mention how BORING and un-interactive they are. Scatting is effectively dead because of the huge vigi groups that form/ the instant use of martial law/armor ghawk spam at the sight of any rebel presence, or the cops just refuse to come anywhere near cities because they are bottle fed losers that can't handle losing a kit every now and then to a taser. Spawning with Y menu first aid would be a god send though
  12. Please make it an option to not spawn with the dumb fkn decon kit holy hell how is it still like this. Why would it not just be a Y menu first aid anyway?? I know complaining about olympus QoL changes is cringe but it's not like there is meaningful content/change to look forward to anymore..
  13. it's been resolved thanks for all the help olympus, glad to see this community flourishing with helpful members!
  14. yea but they are locked it seems
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