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Luke Fernado

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Everything posted by Luke Fernado

  1. Yessir. Suck Cory's dick a little more homeboy.
  2. Did he have to pay you to be his friend too?
  3. Says the one paying $2,000 for a PD rank
  4. Just here to show how pathetic Cory is
  5. Bro when did I turn 26. Did i time travel 6 years in the future??? Is the fact you payed an ungodly amount of money for a PD rank on a server you call garbage the reason you’re so defensive SMH
  6. Real convenient I’ve played 17h with non lethal rounds lmaooo. Keep getting on your knees for PD ranks tho Cory
  7. Stop paying for ranks my man. It’s an arma server lmao.
  8. https://gyazo.com/8734a7ad993a45034bacd48dff998b61 @ Cory Keep trying to pay for ranks big man lmaooo. CORY WHAAAAAT HAPPENDUH??? How does it feel to get cucked by riiken?
  9. He should be scared out of his mind.
  10. Yes. The man named Flynn was located at approximately 3/02/2020
  11. After careful review of my ban appeal its been accepted. Enjoy the view from the couch and watch me as I pave my way to greatness above you. @Mr GOAT. Enjoy getting fragged, Luke "TheGOAT" G.
  12. I wouldnt call him mean. I would call him a renaissance man. People once thought Albert Einstein had no ground for what he said. Look where we are now.
  13. I would say hacking is a very strong word here. I cannot confirm nor deny that I am related to Mr. GOAT. I would feel that you guys should accept his decline as a leader/ pilot and look forward to the throne being filled.
  14. When you have GOAT in your name I expect perfection especially with the elite bloodline he has. @MAV
  15. Unfortunately you guys dont recognize perfection when you see it. The Throne has been claimed Mr. GOAT
  16. Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion @Mr GOAT is the most trash arma player on the face of this platform. Time and time again we see him crashing heli's and getting fragged. This isnt acceptable behavior for a GOAT... as he puts it. Saying this I am stripping his title and giving it to myself. Have a beautiful rest of your day, Luke.
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