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Geralt of Rivia

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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. *blocks the kiss and RDM’s u*
  2. Use Discount code OlympusMadeMeBlind for a free $0 off!
  3. The default is the dark theme now. If you want the forums to look like how it did prior, follow these steps. 1) Click "theme" at the bottom left of the forums 2) Select "Dispersion" 3) Profit You're welcome.
  4. Exactly! How is he not at least a SGT by now? He's been sitting there looking like a deputy for what... 4 years?
  5. https://gyazo.com/f187a021f40a80160df61e8ce57be446 This guy has been standing guard in the Prison since Poseidon was Owner! Someone make my guy a CPL already!
  6. Kavala is great. That's where I am 99% of the time when I'm playing.
  7. My point is that it's called "Altis Life", not "Gang Wars". If the problem was decreasing players and such, then the staff would act on the problem much faster. Perhaps if you had eyes or a brain, you would have been able to realize that.
  8. And yet, there are still hundreds of players a day and active donations.
  9. Why
  10. Damn, forget it. I'm broke right now. Perhaps another time
  11. LT Uniform, vest, and Beret, how much does that go for?
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