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Everything posted by dellshark

  1. What you want for it then stoopit lol I’ve been your only legit offer too
  2. Dell 430k 430k and a sloppy topy
  3. 400k and a kiss from papa fell shark is my offer
  4. I’ll buy it for 150k
  5. dellshark

    Buying tasers

    Don’t sel them to him sell them to me
  6. yo @Ryan why did you close my post cant handle the truth. make a stupid ass poll dude i wanna see the evidence of this 80% of people that want server two closed. stop spewing numbers when you guys dont have the evidence.
  7. @Doofy then shut down the stupid server 3 it useless smh like we dont need a cartell server open 24/7
  8. yes but you all keep saying oh well s1 this and that but if yall left server two open 24/7 for a week and gave server two a chance yall would see that server 2 dosnt deserve to be shut down or toyed with yatta yatta. why should all the server two gangs have to suck up to the s1 gangs. literately yall are making the game no fun and unplayable. for starters you have big ass zerg gangs that rob your new players of a fun game play experiences 24/7 they never get a chance to make money or enjoy the server on s1. s2 is here and really is your new player server. it gives new players a chance to try out your server and get to know the mech of the server. pushing them and forcing them to play only on s1 is not ok. the only time i ever get to make money on s1 is if im A doing a small backpack or suv run or B on s1 at 5 or 6 in the fucking morning because other wise its impossible to do big runs because you have big 15 man gangs running around robbing people 24/7. so im gonna stick by #saveServer2 give the server a chance. listen to your community for once and stop leaving us in the dark. its ridicules that you guys can keep on top of shit. your running a server for Christ sake. get more staff if you have to i dont donate to this server for you guys to have life issues get in the way. there is no fucking reason you guys shouldn't be able to do your jobs. like fuck dude if you need some one to post updates on server two ill fucking do it for you guys like omg dude this shows how much you guys care. leaving your community in the dark and this THIS is the EXACT reason why people are leaving olympus bc you guys are too god damn busy having a stick up your asses and catering to gangs such as 88 and dont say yall dont because you guys do. i have posted on them for breaking rules time and time again and yall say your gonna take care of it but guess what yall never take care of it. the person i report is on the next day not a single ban handed out. but the moment any other gang does something yall hop on that shit like flys to cow shit. stop fucking around and letting gangs suck your admin team off ryan because it getting really fucking annoying dude.
  9. no its the fact that big gangs on server two sit there and bully new people yall dont do anything but rob and camp everything. no one new can make money bc they cant get a chance to.
  10. bro stfu honestly server two would get more people than server one any time dude yall are just mad abt the facts bro your dumb maybe if s2 was open when they said it would be open
  11. i say we all boy cot server 1 bc they did the same shit when they took down server 3 years ago and they lost a massive player base because of it. yall are killing you player base so shut down server two guys see what happens yall are dumb and this is how you kill a player base. yall want one server so you can milk more money out of players for a priority slot im not dumb screw yall. every one who sees this join me in boy cotting server one tomorrow.
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