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Everything posted by yoppa

  1. No I meant that I want 100m+ in my bank not 100m for the house.
  2. Well if someone is offering to me off the forums for 30 figured i'd up the price a little, and quite frankly I want 100m+.
  3. ill pm another one to you.
  4. I was offered 30m yesterday.
  5. https://gyazo.com/64786a06ab8fd122b8407a7ff4dda343 I'm asking for 35m for this house, I know it sounds crazy but, it's the closest 4 crater to square, and the absolute best for scatting.
  6. Already buying what i wanted, sorry. Ill PM you if i want one of your items if you still have them.
  7. Ill buy 2 Type Tasers and one CMR taser.
  8. I want to buy some cop gear but not expesnive like Mar-10, Mk-1, etc.
  9. 750k for asp + mags, 1m for suppressor Sold striders
  10. Not selling the DMS’ anymore
  11. the 2 dms scopes are worth more then that.
  12. Need the money. 2x DMS Scope - Both for 5.5m or 3m Each 1x 6.5 Suppressors 1x T5 Vest 2x Mar-10 Tasers 1x Mk-1 Taser 1x Spar-16s Taser + 5 mags 1x ASP-Kir + 15 mags 2x Strider 1x MX3GL + 1 Tear Gas Grenade
  13. Hmm...where’d you get those 2 items from? *cough* *cough* me *cough* *cough*
  14. @MattmX 2.5m?
  15. @ryan beck whats the lowest you’ll go?
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