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Everything posted by Deft

  1. easy way to fix olympus boys cops make the game aids swarming u over and over and don’t care if they die cause they come back simply make NLR apply to cops EXCEPT during an active blackwater/fed/pharm thoughts? @Jesse
  2. roach
  3. vigis arent cops
  4. i remember that shit game lol
  5. i'm talking about *active* browsers of the forums. the vast majority of those accounts are inactive while the APD aren't because they'd be kicked out. people on this thread who commented that are APD: 5, counting the former chief people on this thread that aren't APD: 1 (excluding me) and the same goes for most posts. if you think APD is the minority on this site, i have some news for you.
  6. oh lol the casual playerbase isn't on the forum tho the APD is
  7. you realize most of the people that browse the forum are APD and will always vote the pro-APD choice? vast majority of casual playerbase votes no
  8. just spent hours filling up 4 hemmts with diamonds w/my friends and processing them then selling them. we go to deposit them at the ATM and 2 people just RDM spray us down with no initiation and none of us recorded. i literally threw my mouse across my room lol list other rage experiences to make me feel better
  9. how did u get 30mil alone
  10. u legit cant do shit without getting 1v5d by gang members. never playing this game ever again without my friends lol
  11. its ok next time i see a medic not listening i will just kill him
  12. retarded medic said ok that he denied him the revive, turn my back to him for 1 minute to try to fight off the other gang members and the medic revived him and i get shot by him. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  13. take it out retard
  14. stfu brennan
  15. can't even do anything with my 2 friends without getting cucked by some big gang with like 10 people that thinks they're good. super anti-fun for newer players too, you wanna do a run? tough titty, gang members who never disconnect will rob you.
  16. broken cancer feature? just completely avoid the entire city!
  17. yeah you can go tot hose places but its still cancerous that you have to spend all that effort just to kill some rdming cuck, and he'll get at least 3 of you before u can get there
  18. if someone like an enemy gang member gets up there they can fuck your gang up easily and it's super hard to snipe him out when he can peek from any angle, and climbing the ladder is basically suicide. 0 counterplay nerf pls
  19. and the point is most bans arent 10 day like mine, many are far less and by the time the appeal is read ppl usually are unbanned anyway :thinking: not my ban in particular what i did deserved a ban, but not a 10 day lol, mostly just people getting salty over small things and reporting to help their ego
  20. http://prntscr.com/ho4tgl just kidding lol, its been like 3 or 4 days tho and hes been online
  21. ive been banned for 5 days and still havent gotten an appeal response, admin has been online each of those 5 days posting constantly (not gonna name admin), most players would be unbanned by now and im already halfway unbanned, wtf why do they take so long?
  22. no i know that im saying if i submit a compensation request and it goes through how do they give me my money
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