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Everything posted by Poker

  1. LOL All my messages were deleted..
  2. Don't give Script kiddies that respect. Hackers..
  3. I don't see why I am getting insulted. I have put in my ban appeal. We have already come the conclusion that me 'no scoping' people could be a spec bug. Honeybooboo, I don't know when I shot someone out of a Heli 1.6k away. So you're probably just talking shit. I had been in various gangs before I made my own, I was a lower rank and had no say, so you calling me a 'kavala rdming scrub' is dumb. I was just a lower rank in gangs such as AMS and R, and didn't have much say. Now I have my own gang, we make the decisions. So now I am much more in the view of shitters such as yourself, Moob. I also made only around 2-3 shots at that far away Warfare. You guys were mindlessly running out into the open, it was easy. I then was told by wheatkings I was being pushed on purpose and cops were running out into the open on purpose. Thanks for the free kills. You lot are very quick to judge, and now you have an 'excuse', its all perfect for you guys. I have made my ban appeal. So just leave it at that.
  4. Yeah, I assumed it would get that type of reaction, and its understandable. This is just the way I play the game. The ticket is obviously pretty expensive and I just so happen to kill that many people because that's my play style. I just feel like the limit on jail should be reduced.
  5. Currently I am in jail for 2 hours and I think it is pretty long if you ask myself. I was just wondering if jail times would ever be decreased, as I feel like this is the only thing that seems way to hardcore (like I am playing A3L). Many other servers seem to have a max of 45 minutes to keep a balance between realism and fun. Thanks
  6. The one thing I agree with is cops in Ghosthawks seeing other Helis with someone thats wanted, sending there text and then blowing it out of the sky. I think at the least they should actively try and go for the tail rotor, and if that 'Rebel' is a good enough Pilot, then he will land and the cop force will take it from there. Thats my opinion anyways.
  7. The thing is Professiondude, there needs to be some sought of balance between fun/realism. Going too realistic takes away the fun, thus having to balance it out. I understand where you are coming from though. Wait until Poseidon puts out the new map, I am sure a lot of stuff will change. Which will be for the better for both cops and civs. Everyone on the forums needs to stop being so mad about these posts and just debate the idea. It seems no one can put across there view without getting completely shut down by both the APD and even Admins. Quite pathetic.
  8. I can't believe everyone is getting so mad at him, he is literally just suggesting ideas. I understand cops are a main point of attack for all suggestions but thats because cops and civs are the two main points of role play that interact most. He isn't really even attacking, he is just suggesting and putting his ideas across.
  9. 50cals are 1.7 mil and get seized on site. Bring back Titans!
  10. He was backstabbing us and trying to turn in his 'friends' because you are a girl.. That's stupid. I have nothing against you it was just a comment that was made out of anger.
  11. You think me telling him he backstabbed us and called him a few names for what he did is equal to a 15 day ban and getting taken off cop. I don't. Whether Joseph was metagaming or not the situation was what it was. He was supposed to be my friend and any friend that does that to me or any other person is a dick. Me expressing that got me banned? Was hardly harassment and equal to 15 days but it is what it is. That is not metagaming. He gave us information he got neither on Civ or Cop. He was warning us as friends.
  12. Just wanna let you know the person who warned us was not playing the game. Just so we are clear here.
  13. So why was Joseph so worried about getting a report for metagaming? Seems weird doesn't it. Maybe its just me LOL
  14. Sigh.
  15. I understand maybe being removed from Cop, calling someone a cunt isn't nice and all and I have to treat everyone with decent respect. But on top of that getting banned for 15 days is very extreme. You would think I blew up 400 people with a suicide vest or hacked the server.
  16. I was recently banned for 15 days for harassment. Here is the back story: A guy called Joseph B was with a couple of us playing whilst I was in Prison, he was with Po, Melting and Paul and at the South Rebel outpost. We were actively told he was trying to turn them into the cops and was talking to Pinkstreak about it. Saying a meeting point and some other stuff. One of our people then kill him at Rebel, knowing what his plan was (this guy was suppose to be our friend just to be clear). Then, he immediately goes on Cop and tells them our plan of doing a Jailbreak (I do have video proof), the cops then turn up early with most of their people to be ready. I messaged Joseph and was quite angry that he stabbed us in the back and did what he did. I did call him a cunt, but whilst in game this is all seen as RP and I was just expressing how friends shouldn't do that to each other. He then messages me saying to stop or whatever and I did. I come on today and I am banned for 15 days? I understand how this might have come off from just a few screenshots but this seems excessive and even a ban would to me seem like way to much considering the whole situation. Just so you know why I am not doing a ban appeal it is because everyone knows you get the same message from them saying something like, you have not got enough evidence for this to be overturned or some other reason. How can you get evidence for something like this? I just know a ban appeal will be shrugged off and a forum post might get some if any attention. I have been waiting to speak to an admin and will continue to. Thanks for your time. Edit: I was also removed from cop. Just annoys me how there are people like bdizzle actively breaking the rules and clearly not giving a shit (Which I was in the middle of doing before I went to go on Arma, and will continue to submit) and I get banned for this. Edit: My name is Poker in game.
  17. Such surprising news. Wish all of you guys the best ;c
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