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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. A good chunk of these topics were just added to our doc. I'll update the OP now what I approved. any other suggestions put them in this thread
  2. Going to bump this so we can get some more votes. Whatever wins by tomorrow is what we will go with.
  3. The people of the podcast want Poseidon to be on the podcast
  4. Email was sent but sadly no reply. If only I could see into his DAMN room on teasmpeak.
  5. I appreciate the random topics that will cause utter mayhem on the podcast. Let's see how it goes.
  6. Yeah let's not derail my topic with useless shit talking.
  7. Wasn't even going to do a cop of the week. We might make the cop/civ of the week a regular topic but it's a bit hard if we have mainly cop goers on that week. I'll see what we can do to improve the show.
  8. If we go with the 2 a week schedule we will have to see when Mcdili can do it. I've also considered doing the 2nd show solo dolo if his schedule is to tight.
  9. can old man wheat be up late enough when we do these?
  10. That's why it would be a 1 hour show if it's 2 times a week vs the 2 hour show.
  11. Wish the forums were more active.

  12. and this is why I have my own server. no sandstorming going on in their.
  13. After the first episode I thought long and hard about possibly doing 2 shows a week. After discussing it with Mcdili we decided it would be possible but maybe it's not what you guys want. Now that I've been up all night I figured why not discuss it with the community. Here's the possible ways we can do the show and let us know via the poll which you like best. 1 Show a Week 2 Hours min 2 Shows a Week 1 Hour Each
  14. As Dili said it would be to chaotic with 8 people in one hangout. Next week we are going to pull some new people in and I'll see what dili wants to do.
  15. A server reset is in the talks but nothing has been said officially if it will or will not happen. Play the game as normal and if official words are said you will know about it.
  16. Yes because being a dick is the best course of action here. All you had to say is "Put in a support ticket and they will let you know".
  17. Cop will be impossible to play without having a way to identify vehicles. It's like saying just drive around everywhere and you will never get caught. I agree something needs to be done but I don't think removing tilda is going to help but more so hurt the server.
  18. Bumping this so everyone can get involved in the conversation. Let us know what you think about everything we discussed!
  19. Episode 2 is on Youtube

  20. Episode #2 featuring Ace, Virus, and Bubba. This episode we mainly discuss a potential server wipe, money changes, and becoming a serial killer. Let me know what you guys think of this episode and if you have topic suggestions, potential guests, and changes we can make post them
  21. Amazing podcast yet again. I'll have it up on Youtube hopefully tomorrow.

  22. Show starting in roughly 5-10 mins come hang out and chat http://twitch.tv/BLTNPodcast

  23. You submit a ban appeal ticket. #Thread
  24. Follow the BLTNPodcast channel if you haven't already. Going live in 5 hours http://twitch.tv/BLTNPodcast

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