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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. POTP holding it down

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brennan
    3. Watermelone


      your still alive?

    4. Jorbis


      Still remember the day I joined POTP :')


  2. Peter can I have CMT Lead back please?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      @Bubbaloo figured that out after i was done commenting :P 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Why don't you go to the support section and fill out an application. Better late than never right? :P

  3. Polygon will be at Gang Wars. GG

    1. Ventar


      Who are you again?

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Dont you mean Porygon?


  4. Just know Polygon is better then any squad. 

    1. Dustin87



  5. No one understands what the news team is.....
  6. Polygon Update #18: Riding out the storm. Over and out.

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I just realised I have been missreadiung your posts for the last couple of days.  Every time you mention that I thought of 


  7. Polygon Update #17: Things are looking up. Time will tell my friends. 

  8. Polygon Coming Soon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sqwallify


      So many people coming back

    3. Thomas


      Give the fucking people what they want!!!  POTP HOLDING IT DOWN!!!

  9. Because single player and multiplayer are completely different in terms of how things render, what renders, items, etc. Also if you are using windows 10 Bohemia stated your fps can be lowered until they come out with a fix.
  10. Warfare


    If the issue is arma isn't being displayed on obs then you need to enable anti cheat compatibility for the game source.
  11. Then you should follow the rule that almost every action is excusable if it's within rp.
  12. You just sound like a dude who cries rules at this point. If you were actually interested in the rp you would of listened to what he said at that is the correct thing to do. You clearly didn't value your life one damn bit in the situation. Lastly the whole you need a ziptie to take a medic hostage is straight up retarded. Why would I restrain you when I'm just going to unrestrain you to revive someone?
  13. I went through the notification settings and found some sections where I can't disable not receiving a notification / email as it was disabled by an Admin. Can't disable email notification for when I receive a new message. Can't enable/disable the "I receive a message / I am added to a conversation" for Notification list. Can't disable receive an email or notification for when someone posts on my profile. Can't enable receiving a notification in the notification list for when someone comments on something I follow. Can't enable or disable receiving a notification or email for when someone gives reputation to something I posted.
  14. Peace.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ToeKnee


      can i have your designer? poseidon hook me up brah

    3. Adaptation
    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      ill take over the podcast and toeknee and I can talk about salty players.

  15. Wow dili.....I thought our rp session were the best
  16. Glad I wasn't listed as complete shitter. That was a close one.
  17. Blame the developers...or just Odin. Yeah let's blame Odin.
  18. You know my bridge works in the editor.....just saying.
  19. My bridge works.......stahp making fun of me.
  20. Snake yelled at me once. Don't think I will ever let that one down.
  21. I am in agree
  22. No mention of Warfare. Ban appeal denied?
  23. Can confirm I still hate Snake. Ban appeal denied?
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