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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. Because single player and multiplayer are completely different in terms of how things render, what renders, items, etc. Also if you are using windows 10 Bohemia stated your fps can be lowered until they come out with a fix. 

  2. You just sound like a dude who cries rules at this point. If you were actually interested in the rp you would of listened to what he said at that is the correct thing to do. You clearly didn't value your life one damn bit in the situation. Lastly the whole you need a ziptie to take a medic hostage is straight up retarded. Why would I restrain you when I'm just going to unrestrain you to revive someone?

    • Like 2
  3. I went through the notification settings and found some sections where I can't disable not receiving a notification / email as it was disabled by an Admin. 

    • Can't disable email notification for when I receive a new message. 
    • Can't enable/disable the "I receive a message / I am added to a conversation" for Notification list. 
    • Can't disable receive an email or notification for when someone posts on my profile. 
    • Can't enable receiving a notification in the notification list for when someone comments on something I follow. 
    • Can't enable or disable receiving a notification or email for when someone gives reputation to something I posted. 
  4. Time to revise this shit. Back when this was originally posted I was like "Nobody will give a shit about my list"


    Now, nobody will still give a shit. But I'm gonna do it anyway.



    Best Shot: Corporal_Moob

    Best Driver: Honestly everybody sucks at driving

    Best Heli Pilot: Ace/Colonel

    Best Officer: This is a conflict of interest for me to post. So, I vote for myself. Screw you all

    Best R&R: Muthinator

    Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): This is still Gary.

    Best RP'r: Mobundo African Warlord

    Most Tactical: Cloak/Deimos

    Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

    Most Reliable: HamOfMoose. Always there if you need him for anything

    Most Dedicated Player: This category is for anybody you wanna include on this list that isn't good at anything on this list. 


    And finally...


    Most Valuable Player:  Honestly have no idea who to put here. 


    Wow dili.....I thought our rp session were the best  :(

  5. Wish you guys would honestly be mature. If you have nothing MATURE to say then just say it to yourself in your head. This is the Trap that everyone falls into when they cant be mature.

    thanks for being mature. dont know you but its a breath of fresh air!


    I am in agree

  6. The map will get an overhaul and the UI is being completely redone. It should feel a bit more fresh when you get on the servers. What I suggest is making a thread with the ideas and features you would like added. It's possible they are already in/being worked on/denied/etc. 

  7. As far as I know, the popcorn they have at the cinemas in Norn Iron is meant to be sweat. Like their version of caramel corn.  You'll not find buttered and salted popcorn at the cinemas there.


    So kettle corn or 

  8. One thing I want to clear up is everyone thinks because we are using more objects your FPS will be worse then it is now. This shouldn't be the case as every object that we place is being spawned in client side instead of server side. Because of this change we are able to boost the objects in shops/towns/processors/etc. When you walk into a shop it should feel like you are in a store. 

    • Like 1
  9. Its till a cool bridge Warfare.  Its just scary as hell being near it!  The oil rig is also awesome!  Just FYI, some of the handrails are pretty misaligned on that thing.


    It has to do with arma trying to form them to the terrain. We did a fix for them when we put it on the main map but I think some got forgotten.  

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