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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. I'll use the same example I've said with everyone. Does it really matter what platform the harassment took place? Just because it's player to player is that any different then player to staff? If I harass Hades on Steam and I get banned, I would expect the same if I harassed a normal member. How about instead of constantly messaging someone and starting issues we just let it be and accept that not everyone is going to like each other. 

  2. I care about R&R ;).


    Anyone on R&R that plays regularly and truly has a passion for the organization knows where Sarge is coming from.  R&R seems to sit in APD's shadow most of the time.  I don't want to take what I have for granted; however, APD seems to get all the cool toys, gear, and accessories.  R&R just wants a little piece of the pie and rightfully so.


    The recent adjustment in the re-spawn timer is a huge win for R&R.  Those who play regularly know how valuable this change truly is.  It alleviates a lot of the stress associated with game-play because you know the person will still be waiting whether they want to or not.  Hearing people complain about it is somewhat frustrating because it is a valuable change for R&R.  The latest patch has given R&R a lot of great tools so I really cant complain.


    We are just saying it would be nice to have someone at the Podcast to represent R&R if topics about R&R are discussed.  But at the end of the day it is your Podcast and you are free to do whatever you want to with it.  Hopefully this does not create animosity between anyone.  We are trying to make R&R a better, more prominent organization.  I would hope anyone can understand that we are going to represent and defend it as best we can because most R&R members that play regularly have a passion for what they are doing.  Anyways thats all I got.


    Thanks for reading :).   



    I have no problem having members from R&R on but the issue with it is most of the time are topics aren't R&R based either because we don't have any or because when we do bring them up majority don't want to discuss it. The main reason respawn timer was even a subject was do to the issue where a player would hit enter or spacebar by accident causing them to wait 8 mins before they could respawn, even if there was no R&R online. The point of it wasn't to say it needs to be lowered or removed nor that it's not a great feature for you guys to have because I agree with it. 


    At the end of the day we can't please everyone but we do our best to try to. That's the reason why I had so many R&R topics ready do to the fact you guys deserve to be involved just as much as the APD. I would be more then willing to have more medics on we just need you guys to step forward and let us know you are interested. 

  3. 1.  You represent Olympus, not yourselves so it should be the opinion of the players, you all form opinions and discuss possible changes that could impact the game play of others, like medics.  If you are going to suggest changes it would make sense to have rep's from the part of the game you want changed.  i.e. if you have cancel options for revives, it would make our lives extremely difficult as we usually have a limited amount of medics and requests are now all over the map due to the changes.  So if someone cancels a request after I have traveled 15 KM's, it would make our job harder.  The reason you have the medic there is to educate all who watch the show, not just for the ones who are putting on the show.


    2.  I am not attacking the show, I am attacking the execution of the show, I did watch the show on my own accord as I looked at your talking points, which was what made me interested in watching and, which you did not talk about.  So I watched based on the information you presented prior to execution.


    3.  You request players like Ace and Aries, why not request players like John McClain?  


    4.  I do not feel you present a professional product, its full of "fuck this" and "fuck that".  If you are representing Olympus and the people of Olympus, then why not do it in a more professional manner?  In addition you undermine other players and "talk trash" about them for everyone to see, for example, saying Hades made a bad decision on a ban to the entire viewing audience.  Even if that was the case, the show is not the right format to talk about those things, and you are undermining the head Admin, which again is unprofessional.


    5.  Yes this is "just a game", but that does not mean that you can not present a professional product and present it in a respectful way.  This is meant to be constructive criticism and I hope its received that way, however it probably will not be.  


    6.  In a recent edition, you talked about medics "having" to help APD if asked, and that was not true, we don't "have" to help if we feel we don't want to, we just have to RP the situation.  That is one example, there are others, but you are missing the point.  Those mistakes would not be made if you either A. Consulted the Head R&R before hand to get exact details or B. had a Head Medic, or Coord on the show to clarify and elaborate on what the R&R view is on R&R issues.   



    The show doesn't represent Olympus it represents the users on the show. That's the whole reason it's not named after Olympus nor is it on Poseidon's olympus account. Like I already said it's a live show and things change, I can only provide topics prior to the show and if things change that's how it goes. 


    In regards to why John isn't on the show it's because things don't always work as planned and he might not be able to come on when we do the show. Trust me he's been asked and things have always been in the works. You seem to also not understand that majority of the people that watch the show prefer APD/Civ topics over R&R and that's not something we can change. I can't force viewers to listen to a topic they don't want to listen to and because of that we would obviously talk about the things most of the viewers want to listen to. 


    In regards to us talking trash about players it is far from that. Users on the show are allowed to have an opinion and if they believe a ban wasn't needed then they have every right to say so and discuss why they believe that. Not to mention Poseidon even came into the chat and discussed why he felt Virus shouldn't have been banned and we relayed that to the viewers. Lastly I don't know who said medics have to help anyone so I can't comment on that. 

  4. I love how 60 percent of the listed topics were Medic related, yet, only 5% of the time was spent talking about it, and there is no medic representation.  You all are discussing things such as, "we should be able to cancel a request" with out a medic (one who plays medic on a constant basis) to address those issues and how they impact medics.  You all have given untrue information in past BLTN's about Medics and our guidelines, and if you do not have a true Medic rep, then I don't see how you can talk about our issues as Medics intelligently.  



    Just because topics are listed it doesn't mean we are going to discuss them. If this was a recorded show then yes we would stick to said topics but because it's a live show the viewers constantly suggest topics and we discuss them. In regards to us saying we should be able to cancel them, I only know of one person who said that and we shot it down because it doesn't make any sense to allow it. For topics like this I'll be honest and say we don't need a medic present because whatever you say regarding the topic won't change our opinions when it's something as simple as a respawn timer. Lastly please point me out to the untrue information we have said about medics and your guidelines because as most users say we usually never talk about medics on the cast. At the end of the day you choose to watch the show and no one is forcing you so how about you don't attack a show that is simply trying to promote the servers and giving players a place to talk. We do this every week for free because we enjoy doing it, not so we can have players attack our work. 

  5. U1vBfot.png



    3/1/15 Rule Changes: This week Hades took to the forums to express some new rule changes that will take place on 3/1/15. The rules update covers various aspects from RDM, Combat Logging, Aviation, and even Vehicle Shooting. Remember these are not the only changes so head on over to Hades thread to get a full look into what's taking place. 



    Update 7.00.07: Over the last week Poseidon has been hard at work pushing out small bug fix updates to combat last weeks wipe and big update. Some of the fixes ranged from revising food & water to the escort system. As always if you want a full look at this patch head over to the Olympus Trello account where you can get a full in depth look. 





    BLTN Podcast

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  6. The wipe, Landmark arrangement, Economical aspect, everything has been arranged to help solve most issues in the game. Another thing I will add is now it is virtually impossible for APD to make any significant amount of revenue while on duty, The purpose of this I would assume is to promote more RP on the force. I wonder what the ratio is now with APD members clocking on for duty............... (true colors showing).......need I say more.........


    Just because people aren't hopping on APD right now doesn't mean they were in it for the money. Players want to get ahead and be established before they take on other roles unless your primary role is the APD. 

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