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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. 5. Not to mention po's are supposed to be potential cops where as the corporals are actually cops. can you specify? I am confused i thought cops were just as much cops as corps. I thought Deputy was your proving ground.



    Deputies and PO's are supposed to be cops in training, not actually "official apd". When you become a corporal you become an official apd member which is why you get access to lethals and the bird. 

  2. 1. I agree we need the titans back. People will probably stop flying around as often or at least learn real quick they can't be so willy nilly with them. 


    2. Not sure why they werent red zones in the first place considering they have no other uses. 


    3. I like the idea but I feel it's going to be abused unless done with corps and higher. 


    4. The game has to be fun for everyone and it's not like the apd is struggling to handle these situations as is. I think we need to continue with our 2 failed attempts rule as it has balance.


    5. I don't ever want this to happen. The reason why is everyone and their mother would be flying around doing air patrols inside of driving around patroling the streets. Not to mention po's are supposed to be potential cops where as the corporals are actually cops. 

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  3. That is possible to do... but this is the 2nd time in a week I've had time at my pc...



    Well I mean more so something like "Hades I need to deal with some IRL stuff" then @Hades says "No problem wheat, let me just redistribute your tickets". Something where you don't need to do on your own but more so an automated system of sorts. 


    I bet you got my oil comp ticket to. 

  4. Tickets get auto-assigned to staff.  Some times they take days to get to and sometimes it takes a week.  All tickets are reviewed.


    If they've been assigned to me I've been quite busy and haven't been able to work on my tickets for the last week.  I'm hoping that this week I'll be able to start digging back into them.


    Papa Wheat's been busy and with his current situation it's mighty understandable. However maybe a system where if a staff has to be away for some time they can forward the current open tickets to other staff. 

  5. The 10 minute rule is so other players gametime is not ruined. If we didn't have a time limit then players could be held hostage for to long and it would simply piss them off. We allow the 30 minutes just incase the player wants to continue to RP but it is there choice after the 10 minutes.


    As for hostage amounts, it is something we are talking about. Adding a cap to the demand amount I think would help things as well as stated above.



    The problem is most of the time the cops don't want to rp because they lose gear. I understand not wanting to give players thousands of dollars but instead of the cops giving counter offers they simply say no and try to leave it at that. I want to say maybe make the cop gear cheaper for rp's sake, this might make cops more inclined to work out deals to save players instead of just letting them be killed. 

  6. The update was pushed to 1 of the servers today. Once we have made sure it is stable then we will go ahead and push it to the other servers as well.



    Checked out all 3 servers and the only one that had an update was server 3. However nothing appeared to be changed at all. The map was the same and there was still consoles at the gas station. 

  7. we didnt go back on our deal man we had all the stuff and everything we just waned pink and the GH for all those guns. It looked as if hollow vdmd but yall comped moose so im sure his mouse died



    When the deal was the items requested for the ghosthawk and you guys agreed you went back by not providing that. I made it perfectly clear to the negotiator that the deal was 4 mxm's, 4 lethal mags each. and 4 sgt outfits for the ghosthawk. He said he agreed but clearly that was not the case. Also we wouldn't of wasted a ghosthawk just to blow up an already insured one. 

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