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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. Confused. Are you saying that cops avoid the server that the gangs are on? Or are you saying that the cops join the server that the gangs are on?


    or do those gangs troll the cops so much they avoid it?

  2. R&R has several new Air Responders and a new assistant coordinator, Tman.  Also, R&R has revamped its look and may continue to do so in the future.  So far R&R has added the 4 wheeler and Mohawk.  Odin might be available to talk about future changes; however, I cannot speak for him so that's up to him.  Just in case you are still looking for topics in the next podcast.


    Always looking for new ones. If Odin is down when we decide to do it i'll bring him on and let him discuss whatever he is willing to. 

    • Like 1
  3. I can answer this one for myself. 


    • How do you find the time from your personal life to dedicate to Olympus?: Even tho there is a few people out there who don't like me I still enjoy being apart of this community and I want to do what I can to improve it. All though I am only a map designer the work I have to do can take hours or days at a time depending on what I'm creating. An example would be the oil rig only took me 2 days, but something like the full map redesign could take me a couple weeks. Luckily for me I don't have to worry about a family to take care of so my time isn't as limited as someone like Hades. I guess the short answer is I find and make time for Olympus. If I know I'm not going to be busy for a few hours I get stuff done. I just want to see the community improve and grow. 
    • Like 1
  4. again if you took the time to look it was reported and the person who did submit the ticket did not want this to happen 



    if bullets penetrate certain walls why did he put the gun through why not just shoot the wall i mean in irl can you put a gun through a wall :/ 


    I read the thread but I'm still going to state my opinion that he should of just submitted a ticket instead of trying to start issues on the forum. Everyone has been here long enough to know these threads are a waste of time and they are only posted to start issues. 

  5. 1. Who the hell keeps deleting posts of mine without saying anything? It makes me sad : (

    2. Why the fuck havnt Brry been blocked from posting yet? (If he's blocked, gj admins)

    3. Will we ever see changes being made to the website design? Its been the same for a really long time and its getting really booring to look at :P

    4. Can someone confirm if im blacklisted or not? I think im not but i want imt in a more official way :P

    5. How many bans am i on? If i get one more am i permd forever then? (Hades mentioned 2 month expiration on bans depending on severity)

    6. Will we ever see something done to make the server easier for the new guy? Alot of suggestions have been made but notging has happened.

    7. Why is gary / other admins allowed to troll with my information on ts? :( my signature, member title etc : ( "cries"

    8. If im not blacklisted for APD , who do i pay to get accepted? : 3

    Thanks people! :3


    1. Blame Gary....always blame Gary. 


    2. Everyone goes overboard sometimes. Not sure if he is or isn't blocked. 


    3. Poseidon brought it up at one point but no clue if anything is planned. 






    6. I think the problem with new players is they don't know how to make money or where they should start. More guides are needed in my opinion. 


    7. I have been messed with to :(


    8. Hades...Always Hades

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  6. I agree with this aslong as you bring back the better processing areas. Like mushroom, cocaine and some of the legal zones.


    As for the talent system, make it like asylums. They've pretty well perfected it.


    I'm looking into some better processing areas. Some will be familiar from pre-wipe where others will be complete new zones. The hope is to make it to where it's car and heli friendly. 

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