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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. Honestly Poseidon should wait until gta v role playing servers come out and do that


    That's already planned. He's waiting on someone to figure out how to edit the files and then there is also people who are working on a server hosting ability.

    RoK is a fun game, but I think Olympus needs to settle down a little bit, Wasteland and Rust came out in rather quick succession and it is not like either of those servers are booming with players.


    Also the rust server is doing fine. We have gone from 10 - 50 players in the day time over the last few days. 

  2. Its not really that popular tbh, alot of people played it in the start, and now its slowly dying to be honest... The game got really overhyped in the start, but now its just a long lasting wait for new features..


    That's usually how it is for more early access games. Rust started out that way and the only reason I came back is because of the huge overhaul. 

  3. My opinion still stands. If you want to question me and ask why I am wearing the things I am go for it. However I shouldn't be detained for wearing certain clothing items. The problem with basing this off real life is we don't normally go around in ghillie suits and masks but in altis life that is the norm. It wouldn't make a cop question what someone is wearing because it's a popular choice of clothing in altis. 

  4. Wearing clothes isn't and should never give a cop the right to search you or check licenses. If they want to spark a conversation with the person then go for it but making certain clothing items illegal would be a joke. Maybe I wear a face mask because I was severely burned or I'm in wit pro. Maybe I wear a ghillie suit because I love the feeling of wet grass on my nipples. 


    So many reasons can be said. 

  5. what about the big event where MC had to control cartel island for 60mins form civs and APD :/


    Congrats on all promo's i seem to miss the hand outs lmao xD 


    I'll have him add it once he wakes up. I forgot to mark it in our doc. 

  6. Wow making excuses....overreacting like your in a full body cast. Put a bandage on get back to it bro.




    On a serious note hopefully everything heals correctly and you are back on your feet asap. For a second there you almost past me in post count. 

  7. yeah im not gonna bother i spend way to much time on this server and loose items. Not to mention 0 support for losses


    You would get 0 support for losses if you don't have valid proof you lost something. They can't just take your word and comp you. 

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