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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. I'm not making claims, I'm stating facts. I have been around different officers during different encounters, whilst being harassed and in return nothing being done about it - not even a verbal warning. I find it absolutely appalling that the ONLY way for action to be taken is for me to record and submit every interaction like this I have. Which to be frank - I do not have the time, nor energy to do such a thing. I would like to see new rules implement to protect me, (and those in the very same situation as me) from such harassment. I very well understand that this is the internet and situations like this are bound to happen, BUT when it's an issue that we face on a day-to-day basis, how can nothing be done about it?



    The only thing that can be done is to ban the users doing it but just like player reports you need evidence of it. The staff can't just take your word for it and start banning users at your discretion. A harassment rule is already in place and these kind of situations fall under that category. 

  2. The problem with claims like this is they have no grounds for punishment if you can't provide proof of the incidents. I could sit here and say you called be a fuck boy but unless I have proof nothing can be done. What I would suggest is recording the situations and sending them in via a ticket for harassment. I can tell you right now they won't be the first players banned for it. 


    Now real quick I'm going to tell you that as a police officer the only thing I can really do for you when someone is following you around is to speak with them and see if I can get them to stop. Technically we can't force a player to do anything and we technically have no right to tell someone where and when they can walk. If you end up killing them over it technically it's not self defense so an officer can't pardon you. What I will suggest tho is if someone says they are going to rape you tell them you are armed and if they don't leave you will kill them. If they continue to threaten you, kill them and tell the officer you feared for your life as the man/women aggressively said he/she was going to rape you.  


    Hopefully this can turn around for you and I know it's not fun playing when a bunch of children are acting out. Just remember it's the internet and your not the only one who deals with it. 

  3. Sorry, but if you do pay for 500$ each server, it's not that smart perhaps get a cheaper one?


    Okay, There is a little tab on the website what says the donations i saw about 10 different donations at the weekend all over 10


    How many people do we have that has donated 250$ or more?


    How many people do we have that has donated 100 or more?


    Okay 50$ or more?


    Exactly, So you are telling me that all that just goes into the server?

    If it's so expensive why did you get the wasteland server?It really wasn't needed.



    So you would prefer them to downgrade to a crappier server that will cause more lag and dsync? I don't think you are understanding how demanding Arma is especially with altis life. In regards to the wasteland server it was needed. If Olympus doesn't constantly adapt and grow it will die and nothing will be left. With having a wasteland server there is a greater chance those players will find the altis life server. Finally to answer your last question it does all go into the servers. Just because it isn't being spent right this second that doesn't mean it's being thrown around and not saved. 

  4. Not to push any buttons but you guys always say they cost ALOT, but can you get us a real number? Maybe the website they are hosted off? After looking around i found this website and the most expensive one is only $500 a month. I dont know which site you guys use or what not but idk.....




    This one the most expensive i could find is $500 month.




    ^ this one $250


    Im not accusing posiden of embezzling just curious.


    So now take $500 a month for each server. That's $1500 a month just to host the 3 arma servers and that doesn't include teamspeak or website. 

  5. lol privacy reasons...these forums have sections where you can show server costs and donation goals etc..you can have the costs of the servers/teamspeak and any other costs associated with running the whole shabang and underneath it shows a progress bar for the donations made...nothing wrong with implimenting that is there? hardly breaching privacy there...


    I've read a few of your posts where you state that it doesn't cost a lot to run these servers and that you truly don't believe Poseidon is making any money but I'm telling you he doesn't. Now whether or not you believe me that is up to you but every donation goes towards the servers each month. You need to understand the servers they are using are not some cheap $50 bucks a month servers but high quality ones, they cost a shit ton. Lastly if everything is paid for for that month it's not like Poseidon goes and spends all the extra money on beef jerky and soda, he saves it and uses it next month or the month after. 



    Now before anyone freaks out on me and says I'm retarded or sucking ass. I do agree things could and should be done but I've already stated before my opinions on the matter. Poseidon is working on an event menu and when it's done I'll be able to host events and if I'm allowed to they will be daily. If there is things you believe we can do as a community then come talk to me as well. Let me see what I can do to help you out or make your ideas a reality. The community starts with us...not just the staff. 

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  6. again ur not getting the point he isnt he is just calling out for help to see if we can get olympus on the bloom again people need to stop with the " if its better then go play" thats the whole fking reason we have no pop right now we all want is for someone to listen to what we what :/ ..i mean we have news crew yet dont even see them EVER .. there is never any events now ... im not trying to bitch just what i see with my eyes 


    You don't see the news crew because it's a whitelisted slot that you can't just apply for. If your not on the community team you don't have access to the slot and if your on the team you can only use the slot if your making content. Some people think it's supposed to be role that anyone can apply for like cop or medic but that's not the case. If you want to see more news members players are going to have to start applying and making content. 

  7. maybe we should get more devs?


    As Brennan said above the staff are not paid nor is Poseidon. All donations go towards server costs that includes arma servers, website, and teamspeak. Finding a dev that is willing to work without pay and is actually trusted probably won't happen unless a current admin knows what he is doing. To my knowledge no admins are capable of doing this which is why there is one. 

  8. If this were a thing, I'd advocate for making all charges doubled when you have the license. Meaning if you have the license and you shoot someone, it counts as a double manslaughter instead of a single. Thought behind that, if you are going to purchase these higher caliber weapons and body armor, you should be held to a higher standard. If you are attacked on a run, flee and call the police. If you kill someone, you'd better have a good and legitimate reason.


    "I killed someone in self defense" APD text messages do not constitute as a good reason by the way.


    The problem with this is most of the time the apd do not reply to self defense killings and if someone is constantly texting them about it they tend to stop believing them when they could be telling the truth. Also it wouldn't make any sense to hold them to a higher standard because that's not the case irl. If I kill someone with my legal handgun I'm not going to be charged less then someone who  kills them with an ar15 

  9. The problem with having a modded servers is players would need to download said mods. If we had a larger player base and the current 3 servers were full most of the time I could see this being a thing. However with the decrease in altis life players I don't see it being a good decision. 

  10. I think he might be referring to being wanted and sitting in a town minding his own business and some cops either A. go after him right away or B. some don't go after him unless he is suspicious or committing a crime.



    If this is what your referring to it's because the chief of police has asked us to not tilda key players and go after them if they are wanted unless they are being suspicious or commit a crime in front of the officer. Now this is something most cops are following but all of them are not.  

  11. sounds good hope my idea of the perm base thing gets a thought as would be good for the regular players/groups


    With persistent groups you would be able to lock the objects and only your group could unlock them. Now your base would still disappear after the set time but that's so there isn't to many objects on the map. The donation level would have to be high in order to know that those players are looking to stick around. 

  12. I hope the new Mk gets added personally for civs the new ghillies would be nice too I think I read somewhere here oon the forums that there is a possibility of some of the new guns being added unsure of the ghillies/sights etc etc


    I'm sure the new ghilie suits will be added as it's just a uniform. In regards to the sights I could be mistaken but aren't there only 2 new ones and they are sniper scopes? 

  13. (I know this has been asked before but i took no notice)


    Marksmen dlc comes out on wednesday there's a bunch of new wepons including a few new 7.62. Are any of the new wepons going to be included on the altis life server? If so which ones?


    My guess would be all of the 7.62 rifles except one as the cops might be getting one. I'm sure some more testing would need to be done tho to make sure they aren't too op for altis life. 

  14. I personally like this idea and would probably buy one for my group if they where implemented, do these work for storing gear/vehicles etc etc?


    I'm assuming the way it works is it locks the dome so only the whitelisted members can open it. If that's the case you would store the vehicles and gear inside. 

  15. Currently there's no word on whether or not a ranking system will be added to Olympus' wasteland server. The same goes for donations there has been some discussion on the forums on what donators should have access to in the wasteland server. However when you donate, you donate to Olympus' servers. Which involves both Altis Life and Wasteland, so yes when you donate for wasteland/altis life you will also be donating to the other.


    I'm going to correct you on the last part as the way it sounds is your saying if I donate $10 to Olympus I'm getting donator perks on both Altis Life and Wasteland. My assumption would be that's not the case and when you donate you are donating to a specific gamemode. 

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