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Posts posted by Warfare

  1. If I'm reading that right the 6.5 tracer mags the MX series uses could be added to the new weapons? 


    That's what it sounds like however Poseidon said today that he most likely could just change a variable where if you scroll wheel it says load tazers/lethals and then it would change the mag that way. Essentially you would have all of the same mags but the server would change the effect the mag would do.


    If that's the case I'm not in favor of SGTs+ getting a new weapon and corporals don't. Everything that's good is so limited to SGT+ and that's fine for certain things but not something like a weapon.

  2. Wow, cant even keep the mythology straight smh... Odin is nordic, all the other admins are greek and roman.


    Not sure if you are attacking him for changing his name or because you think he is trying to match the current staff. Pretty sure Odin was a name John took on for a long time now...correct me if I'm wrong John. 

  3. Well, there comes my 5 people idea thing, 3 hosts thrn instead, 1 thats only cop, 1 only medic, and one thats only civ. would make for a more in general enjoyable podcast.

    And with the topics, i see that its hard to come up with things to talk about, but have you made a forum suggestion thread?(i dont remember seeing one) because that would be quite the smart move. And getting people to come on the podcast is quite hard from what i see, most of th time it seems like it one of those "in the last second" participants, a public guest lits would be good to make, where prople basically aplly to be on the podcast, you make them write their name, and like 1 or 2 suggestions for something to discuss.



    Been posted since Jan 

  4. I agree on the fact that most people that would be good to have on the podcast is cops, but there is people that arent, and cops that doesn't side with the cop side at most. Maybe next week you should have a heavy civ debate, i would love to watch that. Because basically on this week's podcast, when for instance the ghosthawk was being discussed people just started laughing at virus, me included. I enjoyed the episode, but it was to cop sided. Medic is more interesting for the only civ's so a cop episode was a little bit to much... :) just my honest opinion...


    I'm not saying the only good people to have on are cops, I'm saying the people that are always around to come on are usually cops. My ideal podcast would be a strictly civ host, cop host, and medic host then a guest slot or 2. The problem with this is I'm not a heavy anything user. I player civ/cop/news team but I'm also the person that generally doesn't agree with the cops. 


    If anyone wants to come on they are generally welcome. As long as you contact me and you don't flake out I'm fine with whoever. Also if you have topics you want us to discuss you need to suggest them. 99% of the time I'm the only person who comes up with the topics and it's hard. 

  5. Have someone next week on that is not a cop. Its quite annoying watching a podcast where everyone is cops and 90% of the time side with cop opinions. A more neutral podcast would be great if you were to have lets say 5 people on the podcast, where you and McDilli is cops, and you have 2 people that are not cops, and one person that is some type of higher up (Corporal+) in the cop force seeing as you Warfare play alot of civ and cop and actually dont side with the cops all the time. I think that would make it quite alot more enjoyable. Atleast from my perspective.


    The last podcast was meant to be heavy apd sided as it was "APD Night". Seeing as we did a medic night it would only be fair if we did an apd night. We want to get the podcast to be more neutral but the problem is people aren't always available to do it and the ones that are usually play cop. Hell most of the server is a cop so that makes life difficult. We also want to make sure the people that do come on actually talk and express their opinions. 

  6. If Ace has said not to do it then simply don't do it. The goal is to add more Rp to the server not less. By just using the tilda key when a player ins't breaking any laws at that time is just fail RP. I mean we could always go back to an old way were if it isn't seen then no tickets are given. If a crime isn't witnessed then they wouldn't be wanted for anything. Now would it be better to have it that way or leave it the way it is? I think most would agree to leave it the way it currently is as APD would make no kind of income while playing. With that we want people to RP and not just act like a robot pulling over anyone just because they are on a list. If there breaking the law then do your thing. If there just walking down the street not doing anything wrong then don't just chase em down because there wanted. Have a reason such as there jaywalking, ect before you do it so it adds to the RP value.


    You chimed in a bit on vehicle pricing but I don't remember reading anything about lowering the APD vehicles prices. Has any consideration towards that been talked about? It's hard when you earn money on cop and it takes weeks to get enough for a heli just to lose it instantly. 

  7. That's still up for debate, Jpeg. I try to stick to Ace's wishes when it comes to vehicles as well, but some people argue that his wish was for us to only abide by it when we see someone on foot. Some argue a vehicle is fair game at all times. I disagree. You'll only get stopped by me if you're breaking the law regardless of what you're using as transportation or lack thereof. Lastly, Jpeg, Ace wants us to do this, but it is not a server rule. We can abide by it if we want to. With that being said, if you're stopping Joe Shit the Ragman for no reason other than the fact that the game's telling you he's wanted, then good luck getting promoted.



    The reason I could argue that vehicles are fair game is because they have plates and you can run them. I'm sure a helicopter would also have some way to identify the owner of it as well. However I wouldn't say you can listen to Ace if you want to, he's the chief of police and if he tells everyone they should start doing something you should. Just because it's not plastered in the rules it doesn't mean you should just ignore it. 

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