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Everything posted by brennick

  1. Make an offer, don't lowball pls, ty <3
  2. I remember when Zeus would crash in the middle of the square and drop his Chief of police gear like every 15 minutes because his Asian connection was so shit
  3. Do you guys see this cuck
  4. Prae was the first gang virus played with xD he camped weed pro with us. Back in the day, before all of your times, weed was a super overpriced drug that you could manipulate up 3k at max price. We camped it because we'd end up with 4000 weed and we'd mass sell it. We're the reason weed pro got moved from its original location, cops and civilians were complaining because it was impossible to stop us or do a run. Like I said though boys, it was before all of your times. Poseidon might remember. As for conway, if he's over killing people with spike strips I say bring him back!
  5. The main thing that concerns me with this rule is that because it's for the whole of the APD, it is going to be abused by the two lowest ranks as such. It is a given and I have seen it done. Clemenza and Peter, you both do it, however you still RP with us when it comes to the nitty gritty. If you won't revise the rule at least train the grunts on properly RP'ing it out. There have been a few lower rank members that do abide and RP better than some corporals I will add, but one bad egg can ruin a new players entire experience on the server. There will ALWAYS be that one bad egg, however a majority of the encounters can better be differed by more thorough RP training. It is in fact the most critical part of playing as a Cop on an RPG server. A way to get out of a person refusing to identify themselves is by testing blood, scanning their iris, tissue sample, hair sample, dental records and even a saliva swab if it comes down to that. Furthermore if they talk their way out of those it is fail RP because it is humanely impossible to not have at least 3 of those! Even at that point RP doesn't need to end, you can say " Well sir since you seem to have no possible way to identify you, I will have to incarcerate you for the crimes I have witnessed you committing, the minimum sentence is 5 years I'll see you then!" Then just send them to jail. Out think your opponent! Tilda is fine to be used in all aspects, however like was stated above, watch that person and wait, get them when they start driving because you ran their plates, or bust them when they commit a new crime because they are going to, they're criminals! It doesn't hurt to wait anyway, you end up with a BIGGER BOUNTY as a reward in the end. The excuses made above for this rule are just that, excuses. It's an RP server, as Staff your job given by the Owner of the server is to enforce that, otherwise you wouldn't be in the positions you are! I'm not mad at you Peter or Clemenza, but I am pointing out to you as a part of this community that this is a failure and as a dissatisfied member, along with many others, we want change! I don't know all the rules by heart, I most certainly slip up and make errors, I'm human. That's understandable for everybody. However I can RP me heart out because I love getting away from daily stress and work and college! If you would like me to set a day when I have time in this next week, by all means I can and we can run a training session on Roleplay for the cops. Just let me know.
  6. Recent Revisions to the APD Rules have allowed police to identify you by tilda once again. I would like to point out the flaws I see with this and hear what everyone else thinks for a moment. In addition, I would like answers to each of my questions, respectably. (Stay on topic please, I don't care if you don't like Prae, lets discuss the topic for a moment.) 1. The ability to basically engage an arrest on sight forces a civilian into fight or flight immediately and completely diminishes the ability to RP a situation almost instantly. If I'm wanted for more than I'd wish to pay and an officer decides to say, "APD Hands up or be tazed, Brennick!" Why would I try and negotiate or explain myself? 2. Upon being detained, you demand an explanation for how the officer knew your name, you are told by the officer that he saw it was you by the name floating above your head. (I have been told that exact reason by countless officers) Being a LIFE SIMULATOR BY DEFINITION, how is there a name FLOATING ABOVE MY HEAD? I don't know if that's a new thing, but when I look in the mirror I don't see my name above my head. All sarcasm aside, how is it within roleplay for a police officer, a whitelisted member of the community with 1680 minutes of play and above the age of 16 (as required), for he or she to say I see a name above your head? Furthermore, we come on the server to roleplay and create memories and moments as a community, do we not? That being said how can we expect a NEW PLAYER to follow the rules and RP situations when he sees APD members, people who are supposed to set an example, not Roleplaying to any reasonable degree? 3. Last and final point, although this one is subjective completely. Myself and the remaining two Prae members DubZ and Joe alike have been on this server since its first week or two of existing. We have seen Admins and founders alike come and go, rise and fall. We have said goodbye to staff whom we cherished for their dedication and selflessness in keeping this amazing community alive. We have done it all, seen it all, been it all and survived through it all. My final question Olympus is this; Why are we backtracking? I mean, we have come SO FAR, yet we're restating the oldest server killing rules in the book. Have some sense. That's all I ask. With Love For The Community and Staff Alike, Brennick
  7. Well yeah, I'm a deputy as well and played cop for about 6 months when the server first started up, my point isn't simple mistakes, my point would be when I'm in kavala square and certain PO's I won't name run up to me screaming my name and to put my hands up. I've had a few corporals do it as well. A simple slip and then RP to fix it is okay, but completely robocoping everyone you see because there's nobody to yell at you is no excuse.
  8. STOP/ SURRENDER/ LAND OR DIE BY PRAE-- You have had a bounty placed onto your head by the great Ceaser! Stop and face your crimes in adherance to the Roman Senate, or have your head removed and brought back to our great city in reconcile for your crimes! Like that? ;D
  9. Every high ranking officer I meet actually Roleplays for the most part and doesn't arrest on sight (excluding a few corporals), but honestly the amount of robo-coping is so annoying. Can we make up our minds on whether or not this is a rule for cops as well as vigilantes, or just say screw it all together and let them tilda my name and arrest me everytime we're both on foot. I understand when another cop is behind me in a car and pulls the "I ran your license plate card", but when a cop walks up to me in the square shouting my name even when I'm wearing a mask, its gets annoying. Same goes for vigilantes. Are we here to roleplay. It either needs to be a set rule or a fuck it kind of thing, in my opinion. I'm not attacking the APD or anything just expressing my opinion on the subject.
  11. I'm the one in the back
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