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Det. Payne

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Everything posted by Det. Payne

  1. That's our name! don't wear it out
  2. Sorry, X used them shrooms, and gucci wut comp? i ain compin nutin doge!
  3. The problem with titans, was I believe mainly, that many times you could just shoot one without texting, and it would hit, knock down the chopper but people would die in the crash, and we would never know who shot the titan without RP. That happened to me multiple times, and it is NOT fun. I think theyre currently working on fixing that so that they can implement them or a similar weapon soon. I suggest adding in "[POTP] L3g1t has just shot a titan!" as they do with suicide vests. simple unless more than one person shoots a titan at roughly the same time.
  4. 35 Kills 9 Deaths 0 Revives 0 Arrests Made 0 Bounties received 58.4505 Km Distance travelled (foot) 2161 Km Distance travelled (vehicle) 3090 Minutes Playtime Civ 0 Minutes Playtime Cop 0 Minutes Playtime R&R
  5. Well hello fellow Altinians of the Olympus world! Great to be a part, I have played here for a few months now, but only now am I getting active in the Forums, because I honestly feel like being a bit more a part of the community! So I am L3g1t from the POTP gang originating from Server 1, I very much enjoy the role playing and robbing people of their vehicles and money in general. I do record all of my gameplay on Twitch, and make highlights of the funnest times I've had so far, Like the .50 cal escapade with Renegades, Stealing =A= Tragics chrome mohawk, Ghost Hawk fun with .50 cals. and I'll probably add a Terror video later this week server 1 beware of Kavala! I enjoy playing with the POTP gang, because the name is very cool, and very true, and because I enjoy my fellow members and our generally professional gameplay and roleplaying. I am soon to play as a cop as soon as I pass my interview again, although I will be playing COP under an alias, so none of you shall know my identity! Anyway, drop by say hello, and see you on the MSR, or in the airways as I do prefer flying!
  6. Good luck bro! if youre playing arma like that, you're a boss, I will root for you all the way man! Love how you're not lettin your disability get in the way!
  7. Have you ever met/engaged with TRP: Y/N Yes Have you ever met/engaged with =A=: Y/N Yes Have you ever met/engaged with POTP: Y/N Yes Have you ever met/engaged with Prae: Y/N Yes Have you ever met/engaged with R: Y/N Yes Are you in TRP Y/N No Are you in =A=: Y/N No Are you in POTP: Y/N Yes Are you in R : Y/N No Are you in Prae: Y/N No Which do you prefer?: TRP POTP Prae =A= or R: POTP holdin' it down! Why?: its fun to be a part of and we wreck kids Which do you hate the most?: TRP POTP Prae =A= or R:: TRP and R Why?: There are people i dont like in =A= but im pretty sure TRP and R there not many people in their gangs i care for
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