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Everything posted by TheKingSage

  1. I have a nice server 3 kavala house, the one in front of the DMV, the one behind it is mine lol, WTS
  2. Looking for best offer
  3. Looking for an offer!!!
  4. Looking to sell my Mar-10 and mags!
  5. You're right, but when I submit a report of 10mil dollars disappearing and all of my licenses gone I'd expect it to be more urgent.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Apathy


      Yea i lost my banana man friendship lisence @Dante anyway i can get it back

    3. TheKingSage


      Any estimated time when this shit will be fixed? A day? A week? A month?

    4. Tb:)


      Yo it takes a while to make sure you had the funds avail and didnt just sell the money, just be patient and they'll help as soon as you can

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