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Everything posted by Skrapz

  1. starting price 2.5mil
  2. abdera garage going to the highest bidder https://imgur.com/a/5RRCD5Q
  3. Sick giveaway sign me upppp, nice little touch ryan but shame you cant deal with the toxicity on oly...
  4. only s1 sorry
  5. s1 sorry forgot to put that
  6. WTB Abdera garage and house
  7. Sold sorry
  8. Selling: 1x type115 taser 20x mar10 mags 1x set of chief of police gear 1x 7.62 suppressor x1 6.5 suppressor Offers?
  9. 100k
  10. Ok sure dude make sure to hit me up wen next post is out
  11. A lot just look for the next post in about 8-9 days I’m sure everyone will be interested so keep refreshing lol
  12. I’m currently unable to join the server for 8days so wen I’m back I’ll be selling what’s left and a lot more so keep an eye out for my post wen I’m back sorry about this if you was interested in anything.
  13. 1 mar10 is gone. there’s only 1 set of uniform left and 1 type115 is gone so everything but that ?
  14. ill do a type115 tazer for 250k and mar10 1.7 is the lowest ill go sorry
  15. ill sell mar10 tazer for 1.7mil, 2mil for 10mags with it aswell 750k for all of that
  16. Selling: x2 6.5 suppressors x2 mar10 tazers x3 type 115 tazers x20 mar10 mags x2 deptychief of police coveralls x2 lvl4 police vests x2 police heli helmets taking offers.
  17. Cos I’m not 100% sure I just know around what there worth which definitely isn’t 200k lol
  18. Dude ik they anit that cheap there like 1 mil ish cos it’s 100k per 5 warpoints
  19. How much do 6.5 suppressors go for ?
  20. Obama I’ll take that arms house for 1 mil what crate is it dude Just realised it’s a 1 crate lol but I’ll still take it
  21. What about 2.5 mil ?
  22. Ik it says pm on steam but can’t find you how much u want for the house and perm keys to the garage
  23. Ok thanks
  24. How much do mar10 tazers go for
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